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What view are we taking in?
Where is our gaze resting 24/7?

If my eyes are looking at a screen

Does that “I’m online” really mean??? 

What if I’m striving to keep thought in Spirit?

And I’m looking down because I’m poeming my heart out?

Does it matter where another assumes where I’m glancing?

For those who say “you’re always looking at your phone”

What do they honestly– forgive me– know?

That is fear of the unknown of tech in a seemingly accusing way…

No one knows what’s in your thought that moment that second that way…..

So if you’re accused of always looking at a phone….

Hug your heart and defend and know

“Clad in the panoply of Love human hatred cannot reach you”

A quote I hug to my heart by a fave author Mary Baker Eddy…
The very one’s accusing me of looking at my phone have no idea this is where I write and poem

And every time someone verbally attacks me that way…

That’s exactly what I’m doing: 

penning and poeming my heart out that moment that day….

Bless all of us….

And may we not feel threatened or miffed or angry….

When another’s behavior makes us fear and shy away…

Accusations from folks you barely know or well meaning loved one type folks are simply fear guised as criticism …

But it speaks volumes of the shackles that one is allowing bind her or him 

I can have compassion til the cows come home

What I’m still working on is how not to feel the sting so darn long 



I started writing this way when I had no desk no home or bed

It was how I advocated I will not give up 

and I will not ever consent to feeling or believing I’m homeless…(I had s car s credit card some change and a whole lotta love…

And that tapping back in 2007 gave me courage in ways I’ve never measured….

So bless everyone’s heart who knows not the backstory

She didn’t stick around when I asked her would you like to know what I’m doing (le sigh)

My heart to yours…

Tre ~


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