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31 Keepsakes continue with Keepsake #16: I am able

In progress
Image by kendiala via Flickr

Come gather round for another night of pleasure

By golly it’s time for the 16th Keepsake treasure…

Another sumthing for me? you ask with wonder and delight…

Well of course precious one you’re worth a wonder EVERY night.

So let’s light a candle, take a moment, pause and breathe….

Clear our heads, feel calm within and ready to receive……


Here’s me winkin’ at and with you…hugging you hugely for showing up yet again and

away we go….

Keepsake 16: I am able


Say that out loud: I am A B L E


Say that again: I am A B L E

Are giggling?

Do you feel like you’re in kindergarten?


Okay….Me either (but I enjoy playing pretend…still).

Try though for a moment, to think back to when you were little.

I am able was a declaration of liberty, freedom and independence.

We wore it proudly, ambitiously, courageously.

Think back….

Did you ever question whether you were

able to climb a tree?

able to swing?

able to make a sand castle?

able to build a fort?

able to run across the room to grab your favorite toy?

able to climb to the highest of highest of monkey bars?

able to climb to the tippy tip of the swirly slide AND able to slide all the way down?

able to swing on the swing that was a big person’s swing (not the one with the safety bar)?


It’s fun to think back to how we acted on the playground, in our kindergarten classrooms with that I AM ABLE declaration in our hearts.

We LIVED I am able back then.


Funny thing is, not much has changed. Not really….not in terms of the truth behind this declaration.

We are able.

We are able to know…

We are able to think…

We are able to do…

We are able to learn…

We are able to own our right that knows we are able. 😉

To do and be and think and act in whatever ways we’re impelled to think and do and be and act.

And I will defend the ideas that come for us to do and be and act come to us because WE ARE ABLE.

So tonight. This is a simple dimple nudge to wrap yourself up in this truth like a warm yummy hand woven with love scarf: I AM ABLE and put it on. Wear it. Tie it mentally around your thoughts and own it.

Because you are….. 🙂 🙂


Activity: Wear I am ABLE


The demands of your now have probably intensified since last week when we first began to gather.

In honor of that, I wanna keep tonight’s activity totally doable…

Practice knowing “I am able” for the rest of the night.

How: whether you have to make dinner, take a shower, finish a proposal, go buy presents, wrap presents, make cards, attend a holiday event, whatever you have to do, while the mental to do list is churning…halt the to do list. And calmly replace it with these 3 words: I am able.


How in the heck am I gonna get all this done? …. I am able.

I’m totally running late for their event. …I am able.

I have no clue where to begin. … I am able.

S/he really is going to be disappointed. … I am able.

There is no way I can do all of this on my own. …I am able.

Do you see?

When we wear “I am able” it calms fear that shows up as unknowns.

I am able soothes doubt and hushes feeling all on your own.

Maybe breathing “I am able” will calm you down enough so you hear who to call and ask for some help with your whatever now needs.

Maybe breathing “I am able” will show you that everything you’ve stewed on doesn’t have to be touched this moment.

Hug yourself in this scarf of love: I am able.

It’s a warm hug of knowing that will help you in your right this moment.


Enjoy your keepsake and see you tomorrow night for #17.


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Or, if you’d like to read each of the previous keepsakes, sure can.

Type the search term “#31 Keepsakes” into the serach bar right here on the blog (upper right margin).

Or click on any below.

If you want to open up each of the #31 KEEPSAKES we’ve shared thus far:

~ The background story: Why the 31 Keepsakes?

~ the first Keepsake: Keepsake #1: Be Gentle

~ then go here: Keepsake #2: Be Grounded

~ then go here: Keepsake #3: Be Comfort

~ next, go here: Keepsake #4: Be in ~ charge

~ next, go here::) Keepsake #5: Be expectant of good

~ next, go here: Keepsake #6: Be Calm

~ next, go here: Keepsake #7: Be Protective (of our thoughts)

~ next, go here: Keepsake #8: Be Playful

~ next, go here: Keepsake #9: Be Still

~ next, go here: Keepsake #10: Be Practical

~ next, go here: Keepsake #11: Today is Our Moment, Now Our Story

~ next, go here: Keepsake #12: a Pause Plan

~ next, go here: Keepsake #13: a story about a girl and ‘know

~ next, go here: Keepsake #14: Bye Bye What – if – ing

~ and for last night’s Keepsake, go here: Keepsake #15: I Can


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