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Giving thanks for family

Thanksgiving Beacon, Thanksgiving Square - geo...

Thanksgiving Beacon, Thanksgiving Square – geograph.org.uk – 504218 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dear anyone who feels alone or separated from loved ones this Thanksgiving Day,

Happy day of giving thanks, tender one who you are….

A brother

A sister

A friend

A family are we…

It may seem to be about the event, the plans, the game, the who’s with who…

When in truth, how many times I’ve learned, its really how we BE

Giving of thanks is a heart filled with Love, overflowing

But not for ‘things’ which we list out and assume the what keep us going.

Rather for the being who we’ve been created to be ~

the expressions of Love and Life unconditionally...

This day surely is a calendar mark

to commemorate cooperation and sharing between natives and immigrant hearts

yet though that agreement happened so many hundreds of years ago,

doesn’t the same proposal nudge at us so?

That agreement in our thought that we are indeed family

with everyone, everywhere, as children of God, our true individuality!!!

And so have I witnessed time and again…

whether when meeting heads of state at functions when I was a little one,

or in recent years when I was at a loss for where I’d live and chatted with a trucker at another rest stop yet again,

whether dressed in black tie, attending required formals back then

or whether bopping around in my jeans and hiking boots in the small town I’ve now settled in…

Everywhere, anywhere, have I strived to always see

Children of God among men…and thus have always and ever felt true family.

You see, friend, it’s not only in the precious relatives we hold dear,

or in the offspring we have and surround ourselves near,

Rather also, and perhaps more-so, is it in HOW WE SEE AND BE:

the purity, goodness, strength, integrity and compassion so inherent to we.

That in living the gratitude for this wonder that is LIFE

We find ourselves familied, no matter where we are or what time of night.

See? there is always a practical way Father Mother Love adoringly shows…

How cared for and protected we each are....

whether amidst debris from recent floods or

abiding on the tippy top of a penthouse row…

So I invite you, wherever you are and whoever you are with this now

To embrace and give thanks for the family of humanity by exuding the unconditional love we’ve been created to BE..and how!


“Pilgrim on earth, thy home is heaven. Stranger, thou art the guest of God.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy

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