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Monday: Moment of meaning: Allowed…

For this Moment of Meaning, I’m spontaneously poeming a hope that each of us will allow our inklings and indeed say yes to growth…

Below the video is the written version of what I spoke from my heart, which I wrote down as I was listening to what I poemed…

Some have asked if I script what I say.


I pray. I get a clear sense of whatever it is that Love is nudging me share…

And then with a lot of courage I push the record button on my iPhone.

My intention: simply to be a voice that advocates for all of us listening to and heeding our inner nudge, or how Divine Love talks to us.

Of course, as always, if anything I share resonates with you and you wish to speak with me further and consider working with me I welcome hearing from you.

And if you just wanna say hi and chat I welcome that too.

Thank you for giving a listen.

Here’s to allowing and giving your heart what we each already hold: permission …

Tre ~


I have a little simple simple to say:


Allowed to own inklings…

Allowed to own what you see…

Allowed to be who you are…

without reservation

without doubt

without fear


We are shifting in so many ways…

Things are being done a lot more quickly these days, so it seems.

We face every single day

paradigms of

those who’ve gone before

and how they did what they’ve done

The mobile doing kinda isn’t new

When you think we’ve always had thought to turn to

And even when we’ve had systems or examples to follow

We’ve always had to go into that thinkeroo…

and kinda get that inner nod.

And the conflict comes up

when you’re going against the nod…

and you’re doing things the way you’ve always done em


Because it’s always worked for you…

Because you know you’re safe…

Because it’s comfy situation or scenario…

Because it’s hard to face new ways…

New ways of being a woman…

New ways of being a practitioner of healing…

New ways of being whatever it is that you’re devoting your thought to being….

It’s hard to face new ways….

It’s also hard to take new steps…

when you don’t know if they’re gonna work out…

But you do your best…

Monday:Moment of meaning…

I kinda shared with you a couple weeks ago…

when I was spontaneously poeming from the parking lot of Wegmans…

Moment of meaning…

I don’t just do it on Mondays…

I absolutely do it every hour of every day.

I go into my thought

and try so hard

to hear what Love is saying…

about me

about that situation…

about whatever I’m praying about at large…

And that voice of Love is kinda like a mom to me…

And it lets me earn accountability.

It makes me rise…

It makes me grow…

It makes me say no…

to all the fear

to the inhibition

to the doubt

to the worry

to the fretting

to the second guessing

and all that stuffing

so for now

wherever you are

there’s something occurring to your precious heart that makes you say and feel

this would be better if i did this

it would be better if i went that route

Just hold it today

So for today, for a moment or more…

let yourself kinda embrace a new way for sure

its gonna feel hard…

it’s gonna feel scary…

all the naysayers will show up in thought if they don’t in real life anyway…

All you need to do is give yourself permission to

allow the possibility that you can be different too.

Oh I see us all as butterflies busting through the cocoons of what we thought were all the right paradigms

We can be freer that we allow ourselves to…

It just takes so much courage…

and I’m right here with you doing it too

Here’s to allowing your precious you

Moment of meaning….

This is Tre of thoughtbythought .net

Big hug.

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