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When will loving ourselves matter?

I offer this video as a nudge for the start of a month who’s focus is on love.
The courage, the strength, the creativity, the beauty, the spirituality, the dominion that Pink’s performance exudes emulates the expression of a sense of womanhood that finds completeness within.

Listen to the lyrics…indeed she’s speaking of some vulnerable moments, some extremely tender moments in one’s journey.
Choosing to consciously love ourselves, thought by thought, is like that.
Everything will try to sway us to blow ourselves off, neglect ourselves, be hard on ourselves, or worse sabotage ourselves.

The questions for me are: who am I not to love myself?
Who am I not to cherish my unique individuality and live her fully?
Who am I not to be true to my heart?

It is perhaps one of the most selfless questions we each can ask: when will loving ME matter?

And during this month especially, when there’s pulls to define ourselves by external relationships, it is my hope that each and all dive in to cultivate and build a solid committed relationships with ourselves.

We deserve to honor our hearts and cherish the who we are…and so be true to ourselves that we live our innate essence.
We need to take moments to listen to our innermost yearnings and heed them.
We need to invest moments to check in with ourselves, see how we are with any one of our right now choices or decisions and listen to the responses.
We need to value our innermost pulls, our yearnings so deeply much that we heed those, even and especially when they seem to digress from pressures of outside opinions or what we think we ought to do or are supposed to do.

Pink surely mastered that for me in this performance.

So here’s to honoring our hearts, cherishing ourselves, loving the who we are…this moment….and ongoing….

What say you?

{ 8 comments… add one }
  • Tresha Thorsen February 1, 2010, 8:18 pm

    What a good point. We become so accustomed to caring for others, we blow past/avoid/overlook or even feel selfish when it comes to nurturing ourselves and self care….So grateful you are shifting….:)

  • Tresha Thorsen February 1, 2010, 8:07 pm

    Tx Cynthia…I hear you. I find what helps me is to think of myself as an ongoing sculpture being sculpted..I can absolutely love the process because I intend the outcome…Just like when we were learning how to walk….or do anything for the first time…Many women do struggle because our expectations are on an external goal only and we say to heck with the process… we beat ourselves up because we think that external goal is what matters most. Grateful you get the process matters so deeply much. Eager to go check out your site:)

  • CynthiaK February 1, 2010, 7:59 pm

    Very nice post. I, too, was taken by Pink's performance. A beautiful moment in an evening filled with ego and over-the-top self-indulgent celebrity.

    Loving myself is one of the most challenging things on my plate these days, but one that I'm actively working towards. It's something many women really struggle with but is one of the most important first steps to living a truly loving life.

  • Yok February 1, 2010, 4:03 pm

    As a woman who grew up in a household where taking care of others was expected, I have to take note to do this for myself . I no longer have to give a reason for what I did, why I did it etc.. I just follow the nudge.

    In the past I didn't pray for certain things believing that I didn't deserve them. Love is something we all deserve.

  • Tresha Thorsen February 1, 2010, 12:18 pm

    What a good point. We become so accustomed to caring for others, we blow past/avoid/overlook or even feel selfish when it comes to nurturing ourselves and self care….So grateful you are shifting….:)

  • Tresha Thorsen February 1, 2010, 12:07 pm

    Tx Cynthia…I hear you. I find what helps me is to think of myself as an ongoing sculpture being sculpted..I can absolutely love the process because I intend the outcome…Just like when we were learning how to walk….or do anything for the first time…Many women do struggle because our expectations are on an external goal only and we say to heck with the process… we beat ourselves up because we think that external goal is what matters most. Grateful you get the process matters so deeply much. Eager to go check out your site:)

  • CynthiaK February 1, 2010, 11:59 am

    Very nice post. I, too, was taken by Pink's performance. A beautiful moment in an evening filled with ego and over-the-top self-indulgent celebrity.

    Loving myself is one of the most challenging things on my plate these days, but one that I'm actively working towards. It's something many women really struggle with but is one of the most important first steps to living a truly loving life.

  • Yok February 1, 2010, 8:03 am

    As a woman who grew up in a household where taking care of others was expected, I have to take note to do this for myself . I no longer have to give a reason for what I did, why I did it etc.. I just follow the nudge.

    In the past I didn't pray for certain things believing that I didn't deserve them. Love is something we all deserve.

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