(first the poem and then drop down if you wanna read the story)
A Dad on a lunch break… his igloo decorated by his son’s hand reminding him why he devotes 50-60 hours a week, though “the big brown bully- is trying to 70hrs demand…”
A strike last winter and now the largest union contract signed ever… (in history)
He’s not scared of job security despite new delivery services promising “on demand” operating…
He is just one of hundreds of employees who I think of when I consider the impact of shifting that “on demand “ living expects of us be doing…
Have we considered a deeper question fully:
Is on demand what we need to be living…?
The effect of perfection performance is devastating we are seeing…suicides rates are at their highest ever…
But such has always been a battle with surface perfectionist striving…
I have been asking deeply where do we each and as a society find a now rhythm when all online businesses strive to be greatest at what they’re offering, but at what thought costs to our being?
For me as I begin with spiritual perfection as my substance– each one of us the image and likeness now of divine Love– and then I try to live the qualities I have already in moments…
But I feel the constant pull to seem on demand I have it all together
and on demand I have the answers someone needs when she or he needs them.
I do know how to dig in thought to sift fear from truth…and I’ve learned to be so willing to constantly seek answers not pretend I have them all tis true…
And this is what no technology will ever be able to do (nor should we want it to) if I’m being quite honest…
We could consider flipping our view …from trying to operate to arrive at surface perfection …
And instead begin with thinking divine law is governing and demanding harmony and this may uplift our performance to reflecting not proving…
…efficiency with kindness…
…determination with gentleness…
…expediency with grace…
…less anxiousness impatience and arrogance of “my way.”
If we live on demand we are allowing ego govern.
If we live by asking “what is Love demanding of me” we could see what we are nudged to do and allow that unfolding…
We can glean lessons from patience and perseverance that requires moment by moment forging…
But we need to consider and own that performance that tries to be or seem perfect fights our natural emanating…
I get that a company wants to provide the best customer service ever (amazon prime) —and what a phenomenal goal— but I bet more that humanity is demanding us not to forsake ignore abandon or disregard basic needs of cooperation community patience compassion and kindness.
How are you resisting “on demand” in your thought?
And maybe the better question: what /whose demands are you responding to… and how…?
(This is an ongoing inner dialogue for me because while instant is wow if you’re using Pandora it’s not so wow when it’s being insisted upon with what connects us…and I need to do way more with sharing how I fight down the battle with false perfection daily… but each thought that refutes arrogance impatience and self condemning and allows tenderness and forgiveness and grace is a big win).
Disclosure: I think as I walk my dog most of you know.
Sometimes I record what I think as spontaneous poems on YouTube.
Sometimes I tap them here.
Yes I’m often looking at my iPhone.
But I am always writing my heart out.
Writing my heart out has given me allowance of voice empowerment and evolved the poeming me… but if others are around or near I ALWAYS say hello.
It’s who I am…
And I often ask questions … to connect even if it’s just a moment…
I don’see people as strangers but as humanity family…
And this kind guy was willing to answer lots of my questions…
I asked him if he worries amazon will take over all delivery… or if he would ever work for them if that happens
He said the above and loves his job… but he said the hours demanded make it so tough for relationships…being a Dad and a partner and that many of his coworkers are divorced because of the strain…
And the other day they were gonna order on amazon and he said to his girlfriend “you know what let’s just GO TO THE STORE …” like it’s a forgotten pasttime… and they did and loved it bc it was helping local business…
His whole truck was at least half amazon
So much to think through…
So much compassion to have…but at what point do we need to stop allowing on demand change who we are and how we want to live our lives?
Less screen time more be and be together together time……….