This is dedicated to every woman I know who’s carving out a desk in the his her closet…
Who does her creating and praying in a bathroom
Whose living in her car right now (not by choice)
Who’s making a hotel room her home for now
Who’s sleeping on someone’s couch til she knows her next where
Who’s figuring out next steps but doesn’t feel able to take any of them…
Who’s staying with (even tho she oughta go) bc to leave is too scary
(And you must know I don’t share this lightly bc a surface reader may think I’m not grateful… it is not that. Sometimes we don’t feel allowed to talk about the hard bc we aren’t at a border shelter or on the rooftop flooded out by water or at least we have things etc…
May no one feel ever her/his fear is insignificant…
May she know it’s all healable in an instant…why:because at every moment there is Love embracing governing being who you are…and as you listen you will hear and that listening hushes up and proves powerless all fear. xoxoxo)
My heart to yours… Tre
“It doesn’t matter
I can work anywhere
Why do I need a big object
How many years have I written on my phone whether standing in a room or in public
I don’t need this
It doesn’t make sense
What if I lose my spontaneity
And innocence
I don’t wanna become one of those people —those office types
Who sit all day and stare at screens from morning til night”
You name it
It’s been there
Denouncing the assembly of
Two sweet tables I purchased as desks probably now five months ago
I’m not sure I’ll keep it…
and I’m never sure where I’ll be…
I forever have wings and am determined always to use them and live unbounded and free…
So yesterday as I stared at the mess…
Of boxes and unassembled this and that
I wanted to run away —>>oh how am I an expert at that
But instead I got on my knees and prayed with a Phillips head….
Every thing about creating home
Whether you live in a tent or a big condo or home
Everything about creating home for precious you
Has everything to do with EVERYTHING MATTERING because it’s for you to see and use as you envision it to in fact …
I don’t know that I’ll ever sit I stand when I create
So as I assembled them yesterday…
in my heart they’re an assembly line of possibilities to be made…
And this day of independence from all that would impose unwanted rule
I toast a victory to each of us striving to live unbounded humanhood
Unbounded by doubt
Unbounded by fear
Unbounded by apathy and it’s strangling “nothing matters”
Unbounded by regret
Unbounded by loss
Unbounded by all that says but life was supposed to go that way we thought
Unbounded by limits of all we haven’t done yet
Unbounded by what we need to achieve still and deeply hope to in fact
Unbounded unrestricted unlimited in all ways
If you think this is about a desk dear love one reading it’s about LIVING independence and being unenslaved
Some will roll eyes and message me “what’s the big deal”
Others will roll eyes and say this isn’t news what matters is the Thailand boys being found
Some will message me and say are you kidding you didn’t go to a picnic?
To all of them and to all around we are each living independence
What keeps you enslaved to all that you think you can’t
What keeps you groveling about all that ever happened back when
Can you fathom a shift of thought in this very moment now
I’ve been cherishing publishing for like ever but it’s only drawing on me now
That every moment we live unbounded we are publishing hope
And every time we boot fear to the curb for the nothingness it is we are publishing LIFE
Does it matter if anyone sees or gets what we face
What matters is you not run from your precious you who is never a big mess
Today a desk
Tomorrow I hope a tiny house
And one with wheels so I can go hug everyone I love so much
I’m a big idea person who thinks huge then is able to step
Likely a tiny house will happen for me not tomorrow but in a few months bit…
But no matter the form of the home that houses our hearts
We are each bulldozing mortality and publishing independence with each fear over come EVERY single moment
May you brave now
May you face thought
May you never judge yourself with where you are and what you thought you’d be doing by now
May you be the child that endured and see the Thailand boys as evidence of patience
May nothing feel undoable
Especially when it’s done with love and hope and grace
Happy independence from mortality day
Happy 4th
Huggabuggas xoxoxoxo
(woman=worthiness owns moments actualizing now )
What’s saying to you “nothing matters”
Can you face that down with the worth of your precious individuality
Can you take 5 mins to change that thought
Can you stand up look out at a new view and take stalk in all you have to be grateful for
We are so loved
We are so needed
We are so able to bust down “nothing matters” apathy….
(If you need help doing so message/call/text/email me ) xoxoxoxo