A frozen stream flows away from the light
But is that perhaps what it seems
Depending on my view alright?
Do any of us turn from that which we are
The light
The love
The spirituality
No matter where now finds us no matter what we’ve done or what’s happened to us
Yes even
When we feel so far
Light and love don’t beckon like it’s optional
Light and love are our substance essence of our being… eternal
The thought that says “do this then you’ll be better stronger more acceptable more spiritual “ is the pull to seem
To seem
To seem
As if it’s ever been a choice
To seem good
To seem honest
As if not we risk
That teeter totter pull
Of maybe good maybe bad
Has not ever been who we each are
We are the light the love ever flowing
And as we know this
No matter the perspectives that accuse of otherway going
Be so sure this is true:
The moment it accuses—>
That’s it’s give away
That’s the belief of mortality and all it’s limits—not you—beckoning you….
Light and love are nonnegotiables
Light and love haven’t ever been needing to seem pitchworthy or proveable
Ownership means being true
And oh what obstacles may be overcome as this knowing breathes through you….
#tappingtruths ?