Sometimes we feel if we talk about what’s on our mind
We will be shamed or seen as ridiculous or thought of in any way that’s not “fine.”
With refugees fleeing and being turned away from nations
And elsewhere at a border children being separated intentionally from their parents…
These stories in the media can trigger thought to consider what’s happened to us that we’ve never shared or spoken about
If you have ever experienced separation or loss of a sense of home and family
You may be feeling deeply conflicted right now…
Maybe you’ve buried your “what happened” so that you can mentally move on
Maybe you never found a listening ear or someone to hear how hard it was
Maybe you’ve felt judged forever and so you won’t dare speak
Friend reading may I offer a truth:
Love never leaves.
Let me say that again:
Love NEVER leaves.
Divine Love itself is our constant source, rudder, and compass….it’s emanating each one of us every single moment.
This truth has healed me time and time again when I’ve had situations where I’ve felt abandoned, ousted, forbidden.
I promise you my life is an experience that testifies and proves…Love never leaves and it won’t ever leave you.
Love never abandons
Love never ousts
Love never lets go
Love holds you forever close
Key to healing a sense of abandonment is learning how to feel Love’s constancy, directive, and everywhereness and ever-presence
Love is at hand every moment…so much so you can talk to it and have it constantly near and learn how to base your everything from it.
Like a rudder it steers you… like a compass it directs you… like a map it charts you… like a spouse it conpanions you… like a parent it nurtures and protects you…
Relief from release:
Starting now, I am offering a listening session –Relief from release — so you can feel the relief from release….where you can call, message, or text for the sole purpose of feeling listened to…
I welcome you to share whatever you want and go as deep as you need to.
No judgement from me…
No advice or opinion…
Just the comfort of calm genuine listening with Love listening.
There’s no catch.
Just love… willingness to listen and let you feel heard…
No story too hard to hold.
No situation too unforgiveable.
Feel the comfort and relief of being able to release what you’ve hidden or held onto for so long.
And feel the constant support of what’s possible from Love.
The what: you being able to talk about whatever is on your mind that you’ve held tucked up for too long inside.
Or about whatever is on your mind that you just need to sort and sift through but haven’t known where or how to vent to or to whom.
The format:
A call of any length up to 1 hour or a series of message /text exchanges.
Or a message/text exchange as long as you need to outpour (with text / messenger I can respond as able and I will respond).
The when:
You call I will answer and if you message/text I will respond.
The contact info:
My phone/text :
six one seven seven eight four six four two six
My messenger:
The fee:
Feel able to call without fee if paying feels like a penalty, a judgement, a condition.
I so trust the value of giving yourself permission to release…
And I trust you will know if the call holds value to you.
Consider for a moment the courage you’re investing in being listened to…
Consider the honesty you’re investing in sharing something you haven’t felt able or slowed to talk about…
Consider the value of release…
Those have become invaluable to me as I’ve sought healing over the years…
But I had to first feel within allowed to share… I had to give myself permission to open up and feel able to.
It’s a total step in trust and courage to even reach out.
For me that’s the payment…
and if you wish me to respond after you share and you feel anything I share holds value, you are welcome to give what you feel you are able to… I so get it.
Your willingness to make the call initially is payment beyond … because it is valuing of yourself and your journey and your keeping on.
And that’s worth it to me.
If you feel that you wish to offer something of value after the call we can work something out…
You can send what you felt it’s worth to venmo or paypal.
Your life is of immeasureable value and I deeply appreciate you.
My heart to yours…
Tre ~