Think it through Thursday :
The Mind that knows all expresses itself outwardly as individual man…that’s you and me
Each one of us knows all we need to yet none of us knows how to do everything
This looks like a bathroom project buts it’s so much deeper than that
For me it’s been about admitting what I know and what I need help with
I’m horribly stubborn and a do it herself gal
That’s been an armor I’ve taught myself to wear because of so much rejection
It’s a vital skill to never quit especially when you know Love and you are aiming to live and prove oneness
It can feel hard when the most basic needs like plumbing leave you in a conundrum you can feel like a big dummy
And how is it that I’ve based out of town for several years but know no one who is in this field
Well here’s the truth:
I know a few
But my desires have been too particular
too intense
and I’ve been told your taste is higher than we can fulfil
That’s the truth
But my strategy has sucked to be perfectly honest
If you wanna redo a bathroom it’s probably foolish to turn to craigslist ?
When you are doing life day by day you lean on and rely on the what has worked for you before ways
Ok so after posting an ad and getting several responses and people show up and the job is too much for them to handle …
Instead of dumping on me and calling myself an idiot or getting paralyzed in that feeling of i am such a dumsh*t …
Today is a new day
And here are answers at hand
And this isn’t about a bathroom project so much as it is about standing for the essence of woman xoxoxo
She is not dumb
She is not alone
She is not an idiot
She is not too trusting in humanity
She is not too naive
She is loving on purpose
She is able to expect the best of a worker
And she is able to forgive him if he proves not so able…
She is willing to try again
She is willing to persevere
She is not so arrogant she would ever suggest she knows more than her experience
Honesty is more demanding than lying
Honesty finds many of us curling up in a ball crying (bc so nh can feel so hard and so much else is not getting done…)
Mother Love is holding
And this isn’t just about a bathroom
It’s about demanding
what we need is not a bad thing!!!
It’s about demanding we are worthy of the job any job being done with principle…
In ways tho this has felt like pouring new wine into old bottles…
And all of this may be Gods way of nudging me forward with “luvbug it’s time to go”
But right now forward to me means doing a bathroom right and well the photo you see “before” is what it was and “after” is what it looks like right now
The granite sink was tooooo big for the space plus the guy didn’t know how to do the faucets ?????
So in the rainy dark I hauled it back to Home Depot and was refunded 🙂
And I met a huge Samoa dog a big white furry angel !!!!!!!
A puppy but huge already like a horse and the owner said she’s looking for a new owner :):):):):)
Oh my golly have you ever seems Samoa??????
So maybe this is more about meeting the community????
I want to do it RIGHT!!!
Bc whether I rent this to someone or stay here this tre-houseneeds to be ordered and principled???
My heart to yours
Never believe you want too much
Never believe you’re not worthy of a job being done right
Hug your heart that you care so deeply
My grandmother built castles …I should be able to handle a teeny sink
It’s humbling
It’s exposing my biggest weaknesses
I am not a Betty Crocker Rachel Ray Martha Stewart or Betty Davis
I am not an interior designer or cook or decorator or architect like she was
But !!!!
I can clean a place like you haven’t seen and
I know how to sort and sift my and others thinking
So call me a Thought maid!!!!
Call me a thought-house keeper!!!! (Ooh that’s good)
Doesn’t matter the label
I will never let go of being honest and principled
I don’t want get hardened bitter or talk at top down authoritative that’s mean
I want to stay gentle but firm and always genuine and loving
It’s a rock it’s a rudder it’s a fortress when you need it
We are each so very loved we must own it demand it and believe it
My heart to yours
Biggum luvhugs