Because April is poetry month,
I’ve decided to microfocus my otherwise spontaneous poeming sharings on the truths I walk around with defending each day …
These are little snippet views of larger convictions…
They’re the thinkHer tools I use to let me taking steps to further build and be what I cherish hold and see possible for every man for every woman.
I offer them here with love…
And it’s another glimpse of how I work with someone one to one in my healing work and practice.
If you want to know the why behind any poem…
If you want to know more my own stories or triumphs healing…
If anything I share resonates with you and you wish to speak further and or consider working with me with me I welcome you to
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Thank you for sharing moments here…
My heart with yours,
Tre ~
ThinkHertool #2:
“I will not be made to shun or run from defining and defending what I need how and when.”
We look to others to what they need …
We give our all to be sure it’s met and they have ease…
We may or may not neglect ourselves along the way…
But …to shun or run from defining and defending what we need lures all of us every hour of the day…
We blow ourselves off
We make due
or worse …
We neglect ourselves again and again …oh tis true.
The pull to neglect and avoid
defining and defending what we need
Are forms of self sabotage and abuse that need healing.
Be willing to know this.
Be willing to cease responding to the pull that says
” I’ll do me later …that /they’re/ all of this/ is more important… ”
Watch the pulls to shun your precious you.
You matter tender one… you do you do!!!
#thinkHertools #myheartwithyours #thoughtbythought #spontaneous_poeming #poetry #poem #poetrymonth #womanhood #manhood #healing #loveyourpreciousyou