Four Pelicans along with four blue angels… both have wings yet use them for different purposes…both have beauty grace and leave me breathless … where did each learn to fly and why is soooo deeply different…. one a typical day… another an actual airtime show… one looking for food and play… the other showing off and displaying what it honors and has become trained to know…I may never ever know the demands upon military… I may never know what it is like to serve among others who are protecting all including me…(via military means)
I do know both the pelicans and blue angels were fearless… focused directed and full of purpose …the pelican seems more how I yearn to be… ever always about daily survival… even the word “i can “ in his name… yet there’s something I can’t put my finger on exactly just yet…. the air display and show….though mighty incredible… the why behind any military’s jet tugs at my heart…. so on this Memorial Day as I give thanks to those who’ve served and given up their lives so that others’ freedom can endure… I’ll give thanks yet push the pelicans agenda… for “the wolf shall lie down with the lamb… and a little child shall lead them”… if we hold in our hearts the pelicans nickname as we push for love and peace … forgiveness and understanding in our thinking and being : “i can”
#myheart2yours #spontaneous_poeming #memorialday #pelicans #blueangels #airshow #breathbybreath #thankyou #thosewhoserve #alittlechildshallleadthem #leftthumb #rightpointer