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A guitar, a guy, and a bit of a bigger why


All I wanted to do was gaze at the guitars for a moment or two…

An hour later? I’d strummed some chords and learned how to hold “her” the right way…

A store owner who simply yearned to share what he knew that day

He taught me how strum C, E, and G…

He told me the fact I played piano is a fab thing “cuz that means you know music theory”…

He gave me some tips when my second finger wouldn’t stretch to that fret…

He reminded me “honey? you’ll get this down all ya gotta do is practice.”

(No hesitation. No but what if. He said with conviction “all ya gotta do is practice”).

Tip after tip he clued me in on…

Together I hummed, he’d strum and then let me try some…

In awe was I that he gave so graciously, genuinely

And more?

When I offered to pay him for his time, he said “honey, this costs you nothing…

Promise you’ll practice and show me what you can play in another week…”

And while I’m hugged in thought by his total true, he continued…

‘See Tre,’ he said to me, ‘less than one year ago, a fire took our shop and we lost a lot of our things…

And we are just so grateful to be back in this space here…

That you came in and shared your time? That to me is what is dear.”

Whoa I thought. Moved I felt within.

Bob and his guitars? are neighbors to me in this then.

For I’d been still stuck a bit still healing inner apology…

That I’m not further along in the journey of being…

(as if there’s a destination or a right way to seem)…

That I STILL get stuck in asking the One “yo, how am I doing?…”

Yet I KNOW BETTER…because all we ever gotta do is hum along with our true song.

But see Love doesn’t always speak like “Hey Tre, walk this way!” (sorry Aerosmith).

But it does show up a whole heck of a lot in how we SEE and BE throughout our day.

When we adore one another’s individuality and offerings and unselfishly hear what another’s life has to say…

Bob doesnt tweet
Bob doesnt Facebook
am certain he doesnt blog
and hasn’t authored an ebook

In fact though when I told him what I do?
He said that’s awesome!!!!
Not “how odd…”

So Love was surely strumming away…nudging me into a guitar shop to hear a seasoned guitarist play

Someone might say “oh, that never happens to me”

Another may say “who the heck cares? an app or a YouTube could teach ya the same thing.”



Yet neither allow the humming and strumming in person that we can do.

And more?

Neither can give us the backstory of that persons why or how come or what was behind that store’s door.

Not only did I meet a neighbor today and gain so many insights on how to strum and play
But so too did he show me the rebuilding …
No residue or evidence of fire… only proof of starting anew in this now hour…
(there’s something huge to that 🙂

Here’s to strumming true and letting go of any clinging to residue.

I promise I’m nodding with you
Heeding those nudges within too.



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