- Image via Wikipedia
Am I listening?
Am I hearing what beckons?
Am I taking a step forward?
Am I trusting every step?
Am I willing to squelch lures to ruminate, blame?
Am I willing to know that ignorance is never a permanent prison?
Am I fearless in the face of the unfamiliar knowing what unites hearts is the warmest warmth there is?
Am I using my voice to defend, liberate, stand?
Am I embodying the love I feel?
Am I making eye contact?
Am I engaging all in my now with peace, compassion, tolerance, respect?
Am I cherishing, honoring, defending the rights of reason, conscience and self government that no system, relationship, or power can ever usurp?
Imagining……fully embracing the now such that no pulls to blame, scold, condemn, shun, ignore, justify consume me.
Being…true to my heart in the ways that only there are: with no apology, no permission, no regret and no need for defense.
Knowing…thought is the safest space to dwell, and there is there always peace, warmth, comfort, hope for the enduring.
What are you questioning and imagining, being and knowing on this eve of International Human Rights Day?