- Image by Martin LaBar (going on hiatus) via Flickr
Just a bit of hug and hello from me..hopin your journey is full of wonder and delight in the right now.
I truly am in awe and deep wonder of the surrounds of late…
Bounty of life budding forth..bursts of blooms overnight it seems….chirping of melodies from birds I haven’t yet learned their sweet names but will.
And thought…abundant with hope, ripening for overflowing love, grounded in what matters most, defending the peace and stability and serenity that is inherently each one of ours now and always.
What I’m treasuring of late is this sweet tender truth: that right now, we each have within us all the elements of thought that will allow us to bud forth that which we desire.
All that we are each seeking really is that innate yearning to live outwardly and perpetually our spirituality, already whole, complete, healthful, and fulfilled.
But I get the gap you can feel at times, I know I sure have. That ideal sometimes feels only feasible if I get x, y, z mastered or if I achieve x, y, z status or obtain x, y, z ‘things’ in my life.
Nothing we need to evolve our wholeness is external. Ever.
And there’s really no gap between our now and all the where we wanna grow and go.
It’s simply a matter of perspective and a matter of cultivating a deep awareness of our innate completeness such that we start guarding and defending thought….our greatest asset.
I’m hoping you are finding that peace within….and always, if you are seeking perpetual stability and feeling a need to rev up your how you actualize that for yourself, be in touch.
Of late I’ve been taking lotsa moments to fine tune my points of contact so that however is your preferred method of communication, you can feel free to be in touch.
Here’s to a continued blooming journey for your now.
Big warm hugs and deep knowing for your peace-filled now…..
Tre ~