- Image by SuperFantastic via Flickr
It can feel like panic….
It can feel like emptiness….
It can seem never ending….
That ache that says I’m empty, I’m going nowhere, what am I doing with my life? Why am I still so messed up? Why does everyone else seem to have this stuff figured out? What am I still so ‘effed’ up?
But truth?
You’re not.
You seek things deeper than the surface norms of societal expectations afford satisfaction over.
You may think you want more….a better life…whatever that includes: more creativity…less rigidity…more of anything…someone who adores you…a better quality of life…a bigger salary, nicer home, the littles running at your feet.
And yes, those precious additions to a life could potentially be phenomenal…and blessings each one.
But they don’t and won’t ever complete you.
You won’t find many who rally behind figuring out completeness within…but unless we do, we are building on sand…we are empty…and we will always incessantly feel lacking.
Here’s why: no one, no salary, no home, no job, no spouse, no offspring can fill you up or feed you.
You gotta find this and figure this out within.
And it doesn’t mean you will always be alone….
And it doesn’t mean you will never find a companion.
And it doesn’t mean you will never have these things you think you want …these things you think you need to make your life better.
What it means is stop the all or nothing.
What it invites is how willing are you to stand still and defend your wholeness…your individuality now.
What it demands is that you undress your thoughts and be willing to stand naked with each and every fear and realize that it’s not yours…not coming from you..not apart of you…and really you hold not attachment to it.
But it demands work. Lots of it. Lots of get into your thoughts and look at each one and figure out what’s working and not working and why you keep running and why you keep avoiding standing down and facing your fears.
But you can.
You can stand down and face each one.
And I can help you learn how and why.
Here to do just that.
You are whole, complete, satisfied, and mindful right now.
And you are not afraid.
And you are not alone. Ever.
Deep full respect to you for trying.
You’re gonna get this down.
Big hugs.