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Hello wonderful you.
Glad you are back to read/listen to another post.
And if this is your first time here, cool! Welcome to thoughtbythought.net where we’ve been talking about how to be authentic.
Today we’re putting it in 5th gear (or 4th for those who ride a motorcycle).
Today, We are saying yes. Yes to everything we’ve ever wanted to do.
No holds barred.
No limits.
No buts.
No if onlys.
Today, let’s take a few moments to blue-sky and jot down everything we’ve ever wanted permission to do.
Now you can do this a number of ways..take a sheet of scratch paper and a pen, or grab a journal. Or if you want a more permanent visual, grab a lipstick and jot down ideas on your mirror.
Here’s a peek at the list I wrote this morning during my journaling my thoughts session:
1. Be a mommy
2. Buy another motorcycle (I miss my Honda Shadow 750cc)
3. Scuba
4. Parasail
5. Skinny dip, in the ocean, regularly (I miss this!)
6. Visit the Himilayas, hike some of K-2 or Mt. Everest
7. Live in the tropics (I miss them!)
8. Write a book, or several
9. Windsurf
10. Play electric guitar
Whew. Fun, huh?
Now lots of these I’ve done pieces of, right?
Like the motorcycling, the writing, the skinnydipping…those aren’t ginormous permissions because I know how to do them.
But being a mommy, at least for now, invites me to consider adoption and that’s a L O N G process and not completely one I think I wanna dive into.
BUT! I can cherish it.
And see that’s the whole point.
With EVERYTHING you give yourself permission to experience, what you’re really doing is giving your heart permission to express the qualities that activity represents.
The hiking Himilayas is my tangible activity that outwardly expresses my desire for visiting another continent, engaging in a physical challenge, and putting that to an extreme.
The writing a book is a tangible expression that gives my passion for writing a tangible structure and outline.
What’s more, when I created this list, maybe a minute went by. Seriously.
I didn’t overthink a thing. These desires are every with me 24/7….Some of them so much that it hurts that I’m not engaging in them more.
And that is also eyeopening because it gives me time to pause and ask ‘Okay kid, so why aren’t you pursuing that right now?”
And see?
If I’m honest and I have no rational reason as to why I’m not pursuing that thing, then it’s a tender wake up call to get on it.
How liberating, huh?
Giving ourselves permission and saying yes to our heart of hearts is really our creating a blueprint for our passions.
And this was only a few surfacey topics. I didn’t (on purpose) list out any work goals.
When we give ourselves permission, when we listen to what our heart yearns for and say YES to our heart of hearts, we fly, we soar, we move mentally and break through a lot of the limits we put on ourselves.
So how bout it?
Get a timer.
Set it for 3 minutes.
Write down everything and then reread in wonder and awe and delight!
What d’ya think? Give it a try and say what works for you 🙂
We really do have permission to say YES to our hearts, every single moment!
Thanks for being here and eager to connect with you!
Tre ~