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Listening to that inner pull and pausing to hear…

My Listening Ears
Image by niclindh via Flickr

Do you ever just pause and listen to your thoughts? …stretch yourself and really strive to hear — with your “Big Listening Ears” what you think your heart of hearts is telling you? 🙂

Of late, I’ve been really just in awe as I’ve paused and listened..within.

For me, sometimes that listening finds me hearing a deep calm….kinda like a nudge to steady on with whatever I’m doing.

Other times, that pausing and listening yields a different message…like “stop girlfriend..let it go..it’s not yours to do.”

And still other times, that pausing and listening enables me to step back and look at strides I’ve made  inspite of a lot of huggabaloo that would convince me otherwise.

Recently, as I’m using my big listening ears (do you just adore this photo?), I’m hearing a lot:

…a lot less self justification defending past choices.

…more peace with just letting certain relationships alone…

…greater calm about certain unfinished business and unanswered questions…

…more knowing that I’ll know what I need to when I need to know it….

…more conviction that I know enough this moment to take a step..if even just one…and then another..and then another…

Likewise, I’m hearing a really focused directive on ways I need to grow my web presence, and for a while all the next steps were rather vague. So I’m grateful for that clarity.

And then too, I’m hearing a lot more inklings of gratitude and awe over the wonder of the very right nowness of life..and with it such a calm about the right now…such a hush to former angst over future…a lot more settled “now”- ness.

Transitions can knock the wind outa your heart and thoughts for a good long while…for me it’s been a coupla years…and yet when you’re super still and listening, even though so many of your footsteps feel like stumbles, you tend to come face to face with your heart and realize not a whole lot of your innermost substance has changed.

Rather, you hear her a bit more clearly with a whole lot less ‘stuff’ in the way (false expectations of your intended outcomes, outmoded concepts of productivity and meaning, outdated paradigms of how you thought right life was supposed to look and feel)….

For me, that willingness to pause and listen finds me very much like the young girl in this photo…eager heart and willing hands….open thought and big yearning listening ears….

And it’s rather a tender time….moments of reflecting on lessons learned….moments of giddyness over what’s ahead…moments of awe over the very right now standing still.

The pausing…the listening…the reflecting….

Each has merit.

Each has meaning.

Each has deep deep value that need only matter to us..to you..to me...

So….how bout it?

What are you hearing as you pause and use your “Big Listening Ears?”

Eager hearts and willing hands wanna know :)….

Big hugs…..and much joy to you,

Tre ~

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