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Meaningful Moments …reflections on a Monday


We strive to be an influence for good
We wrestle with the adamant of how things “should”

Should be
Should appear
Should seem
Should act

Yet all the while we strive for deeply so much more

In relating to and with others
I find it so helpful to ask
“Tre, are you seeing the good
Or are you judging what you sense is lack?”

Could it be that others find more joy from
Being present in the moment
Instead of positioning perfect order?

There is always a heinous bugger in me
That wants everything ordered and arranged so perfectly (le sigh)
As if a made bed or ordered shelves
Within a closet would mean right womanhood
As if a structured day of
Defined activities
Means a day was lived just right
As if the how I approach a day
Is not only right but the only way(ugh)

I loathe this tendency in me
Because as it’s exerted it’s supposed authority
I’ve missed so much
Of what and how another loves

For a few years now I’ve tried hard
To hush this perfectionist bitty
And silence her alarms
Because she is such a surface looker
And only sizes up outward appearance…

I know she is not my true me
No matter how hard she tries to steer my reigns and impose will assertively…
I actually now strive ever more
To hush her arrogant pulls of emphatic order…

Order matters
As does cleanliness
But not to the degree of perfect perfectionist!

So dear friend wherever you are
As you are going about your creating and being who you are
Strive ever ongoing to be less rigid
Less adamant
Less insisting
If it means doing so will release you from
The perfectionism that tried to imprison us so

And if you need a boost or a how to
Be in touch and we will share a call or two

Love is not rigid and perfect as Waterford

It’s not silent and stationary as a perfectly made bed

It’s not always immaculate and well dressed and made up

In fact love is often not about any of that stuff

In a moment it can rain and a mascara’d eye smudged

In another moment a hurricane can blow and smash all that china

In another moment that perfectly
made bed tells the story of an affair

In another moment that perfectly appeared dressed woman barks words that cut the heart

How we love can look however we wish

The warmer and more real it is
The longer lasting it’s impact

So when you’re pulled to order it all just so
Ask yourself what else you could be thinking about and where else to outpour

They will never remember what it all looks like
But oh so much more will they remember your words and how you made them feel that day and night

Who are these they?
Our loved ones and friends
And all those whom we may never meet again

Far more then is it so invaluable
To let love outpour freely warmly genuinely, no more performance ….

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