Not every author maybe cares what the reader thinks…
I care with every ounce of my being…
Perhaps too much… if there is such a thing…
for its vital to me that any prose I share offer hope and healing…
and not leave you in despair…
There are many who will relate to my “Dear Yesterday” post of regret…
but if we just stay there?
If we don’t watch thinking… and choose to separate from and refute regret?
It will enmesh thought like a polluted atmosphere … like the former lingering smog of Los Angeles…
And it would try to hault every forward footstep …
Because we can’t step fully forward if we are facing backward or even glancing backward
Try? And you’ll stumble…
Try to walk forward while looking over your shoulder and behind you … see how far you go without bumping into something….
(I have lots of bruises! )
Kidding aside….
of late I’ve been reminded– like all clouds –regret is one more a wanna be but never a true friend…
it’s a behavior pattern …
and as with all unhealthy and unhelpful patterns, we can change them… moment by moment.
The below is one spin on how… for this moment… for you reader friend.
As always, if something I write makes you want to roll up thought sleeves and begin to or continue to heal the throngs of regret
(or doubt or fear or second guessing), I welcome your message or call…
I leave you with a gentle reminder nudge hug:
You are not the voice of regret ….
you are not the voice of fear…
you are not the voice of what if…
and they do not have to suffocate and smother precious you another second let alone day or year …
My heart with yours,
Tre xoxo
Dear Tre….
Oh lovey one! what I just must remind you …
Regret can be clingy… the kind who is always needy…. that sometimes seems okay to be with…but her influence is dark and creepy.
She tends to dwell much on wondering what may have been
And always hints at should have, , but didn’t happen.
Face thought …and watch it…and choose wisely.
She’s gonna show up convincingly, begging for sympathy.
But what she’ll never show you– and why I’m here reminding you:
She will always act as if there were other options for you…
and that you didn’t follow your heart.
She will act as if you made mistakes…
She will act as if you walked away…
She will act as if you could have tried harder…
And she won’t hear any of it if you remind her you were forced to move or that thing ended or ways of business changed or you leaped forward to another opportunity.
She will always act like you did plenty wrong …
or could have tried harder.
And she will sway you wear the label victim that much louder…
She’ll accuse you of being self centered and self absorbed and in a bubble….
Listen to her influences long enough and her conclusions are rather horrible…
I’m advising you rather direct tonight.
Her acquaintance is hardly meaningful and she won’t push you any further.
She uses shame and her tone is very convincing.
You’d be wise to unfollow her feed and stop reading her direct messages.
And yet…no doubt she’s a celeb with millions of followers…
But her trends are not worth adopting as they’ll leave you in constant bewilderment.
Oh that more would want to resist her influence too… yet this choice makes us more accountable and honest too.
If I’m too late and she’s already wooing you… let her know an essential worker guest is arriving and she has to move.
I know, I know it will seem harsh and unkind.
But you can’t allow thought be trespassed any further …
And have given enough attention to her time after time.
You don’t have to be nice… you don’t owe her anything.
Womanhood doesn’t advance by us all playing pretend or being what we think we should be like anyway.
I recommend setting the timer… give it however long you think you need to– but no more than an afternoon or evening…
And when the timer rings… it’s the bugle call to face this moment of your being..
(I have reservations suggesting an afternoon or evening… when you need to strive to discipline yourself to become more minutewoman moment by moment thinking…
But if you’re not there yet … that’s ok…
That can be a new goal to strive for when you’re ready to face and friend this moment today.
You’re gonna need to eventually put on the lens that understands the pursuit of Spirit has definitive thought friend choices…
and there is going to always be plenty of beliefs who would prefer to comfort cling…
But this is where we need to sift the thought friends and let some go in our thinking.
Without apologies. They’ll be just fine…
Before I leave you, I give you two wings and I want you to wear them…
Don’t stick them in a closet for one day when you’re more brave …
Don’t put them on a shelf and think you have to earn them someday.
Put them on now …as your moment by moment minutewoman thought armor… and let yourself gently mentally move FORWARD…
One wing is innocence…
the other is truth….
and they come from a quote that I wish to remind you:
“Innocence and truth overcome guilt and error.”
(From an author you may have heard of Mary Baker Eddy).
Now put them on…
no fussing they don’t fit right…
no worrying you haven’t earned them…
and no waiting for tomorrow–or some other night.
Wear them as wings and remember too:
They have always ruddered,
and steered
precious you.
Fly forward luvbug…..
Use your wings.
Be free…
Love and good has always been and will always ever be the always friends you need. xoxoxo
Mom within…
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