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Thought tip for the moment

“A single moment is all it takes

to face thought and check influence.

And in the next moment

we can choose


reflect the light of love …

and to dark pulls… refuse.”


No agenda needs to weigh heavy

No demand on your life needs to prey

No task you must accomplish has to intimidate

No goal you aspire too has to suffocate

We are each able to breathe and be and reflect the light of love isn’t really a choice but a fact of our individuality 🙂


Dear friend reading

Thank you for being here

I so value any moment of your attention tin and I share what helps me advocate spirituality and my wholeness and completeness as a woman –> in my thinking.

I share these advocacies with you in hope they support your journey and give you some thinkHer tools.

I welcome discussing further any ideas that connect with you…

Post a comment or email me…

I’m happy and grateful to connect with you!

Here’s to each moment may you be refusing all dark and reflecting the light of love… thought by thought,

Tre ~


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#poem #thoughtfortheday #bewell #thinkher #awake #woke #breathbybreath #loveyouroreciousyou