“When alone seems to hover low… and emptiness tries to tempt woe… we can choose to refuse
the beliefs they impose.”
Hello friend reading…. yes you are a friend to me… if this resonates with you, see me smiling and nodding and if you so want to understand the power behind choosing to refuse … see me doing a giddy dance of glee ???????????????… the clouds of feelings may try to loom heavy… the justifications of why this and why that (they can be seemed a fair conclusion) try to be steady….
yet at once in a moment the single wake up to the fact that beliefs /feelings are a momentary impositions we can choose to refuse?
HUGE…. because just like rain clouds do not linger on… with work and consistently refuting their impositions, all the woe of empty and alone can likewise be gone…. we are meant to BE love and we are meant to experience and exude it… and this takes work thought by thought and we must choose to refuse what tries to contradict this…. Tender love hug and gratitude for reading this daily #thought_tip… here’s to your right now this very amazing moment ??????Tre ~
#spontaneous_poeming #myheart2yours
#thoughtbythought #leftthumb #rightpointer #feelings #choosetorefuse #beliefsareimpositions
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