A baby step by step by step
from braving a blog in 2007…
to continuing to allow myself to utter the words that I lean on as an inner rudder …
to then years on facebook and YouTube as video and now insta…
but never daring to print them on actual papahhhh (paper) …
Yet this weekend I looked at the printer and said hello …
I asked her if she would hold my hand and go gently and real slow…
And she was mighty in her black suit and has a big engine and offered so many selections and varieties to boot…
I want to print yet I want to be eco friendly…
So this is a baby step yet no idea where it will be leading/landing.
To allow this printing is one more stand deeper and more true…
To brave the worth of my voice means I’m advocating for that voice of every girl and woman, big and man TOO…
But to take a step that shares more practically what are little #thinkHertools tools that have meant so much to me
is empowering
and terrifying
all at the same time…
For it owns everything about defending my individuality’s right:
To breathe… to be ….to exude ….to live …to thrive…
as I so hope for any girl and woman to exude hers as she strives…
Yet it also means I turn away from “but what if they don’t help anyone?
but what if no one reads/ wants/needs/find them useful?”
All the opposition of doubt etc etc blah blah …
And so today it’s a page …
Tomorrow maybe it can be a recycled printed form and maybe I’ll learn digital ways …
All of this actualizing and standing moment by moment day by day is a promise being fulfilled to me of allowing Herstory have its say.
#spontaneous_ poeming
#publisHer #rootedandgroundedinlove #livepublished
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