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A little girl idea :possibility

A woman from Panama named Jeannette gave me this doll… a little girl in Panamanian dress who I’ve named Carmelita after the mom of Jeannette….

It’s a budding business she seeks to expand… a carrying on of her mother’s legacy through selling dolls in native dress to share the heritage and adoration of their land…

This doll represents soooooo much to me… of all the possibility I hope every girl to become and be…

and the woman has no idea how long I’ve cherished motherhood and yet through my words and poems it’s how I feel I share nurturing love with everyone reader …even you…

I can’t explain how these connections occur…

I wake up and go out to love and through my thoughts and actions seek to bless our precious humanity and world.

But this I know from my heart:

We can each become the possibility of who we are meant to be

and we can each live who we are…

There’s no limit to what a girl or boy can be and become …

and those who are seeking to cherish each one are at the top of my list of why I press on…

May we stop at nothing to bulldoze the fear when intimidation of the world’s stereotype and manner or agenda or tone or expectation of what a woman should do and be creeps in

May we fight that down til it disappears…

May we not see challenge but possibiliy…

May we never feel our story or trauma is our legacy…

May every moment be new now and abundant with hope…

and whether a doll image of another girl around the world lets you live your courage…

May you embrace all that you hope to be and may you love who you are as possibility….

with tender humanity love. #myheart2yours #spontaneous_poeming #thoughtbythought #herstory #business #solopreneuher #girls #women #legacy #poem #poe-tre #fearfree #panama #dolls #nativedress #girlhood #carmelita #healing #momthemoment