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So it’s finally summer here in Beantown….at least from the warmer temperatures and the sun-shiny days that’s the feel.

And I’m aware that my thoughts have ventured back more than a time or two and recollected where I was last summer..yes the location…and what I was doing….

And I’ve watched this pull to gauge my progress by only looking at the externals….how my work life has grown or stagnated.

And while this is surely one way to assess growth, another, more authentic way, I find, is to assess where my heart has grown, to measure that progress, the progress of my thoughts.

And when I stay there, the growth is actually exciting to gauge.

I’ve recorded a vlog about this

Give a listen and see what you think.

What works for you when you’re authentically assessing your progress?

Have you ever tried assessing your internal progress by gauging the leaps and bounds you’ve made in your thoughts?

What happens when you do?

Would love to hear.

Here’s to assessing ourselves authentically, honestly, gently.

Thanks for reading and listening…

Tre ~ 🙂