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Prayer for this moment: mommying me

Right now this moment, there is one Mother Love.

This Love is everpresent, all power, all intelligence and is holding all of Her creation in her hands.

This Love is Spirit and is the very source of all things.

I know that I am an idea of this Mother Love…

I reflect and embody this Love.

Thus, my calm, stable stillness is assured.

This moment, my job is ….to love.

This moment, my job is…to BE love.

This moment, my purpose is…to SEE Love.

And in that being and seeing, I am safe.

And in that being and seeing, my thought stays right now on this now moment.

I know that because Love is Mothering all and is the ONLY power, there is nothing in my thought that can respond to lures of



second guessing







I know this moment, that Love is Mothering me so completely much (and all) that I have all of everything of what I need…as thought.

And I know this moment now that Love Mothers by giving me every thought I need.

And these thoughts show up as little tender nudges.

And these thoughts show up as little gentle hugs.

Mother Love’s nudges NEVER blame, accuse, condemn, shame, ridicule, abuse, hurt, or attack.

Mother Love’s nudges hold, comfort, reassure, remind, insist, and demand I stand.

And I can do that this moment today, now.

In my job of Being and Seeing Love…I can refuse to believe that ANYTHING that shows up in my thought as such muck is not my thought, even though it sounds like my voice and parades around in my thoughts as me.

Anything derogatory wearing the guise of “I” or “me” is not MY THOUGHT and I dont have to be swayed or pulled to listen to it.

So this assures me security from accepting the onslaughts and attacks of condemnation.

This assures me security from believing “you should have done this instead” “you should have chosen that instead” or “you messed up and you should have known better.”

I know that at every moment I am guided by this Mother Love and so any choice I made then was my best sense …for then.

And so this moment, I know I can’t be made to feel regret, guilt, remorse, doubt, or be duped to second guess.

I am safe from all of that as I seek to BE and SEE Love.

This prayer is governed and sustained by law and ensures my safety.

This prayer is true for all everywhere.

Everyone is motivated and impelled by Mother Love and if I see one iota of the opposite I can know for that person that they too can stop responding to the facade of their natural inclinations.

I will stand with this prayer.

It is my home, my safety, my assured purpose.

Thank you Mother Love…..

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  • Michelle Nanouche December 29, 2011, 12:25 am

    Hi Tresha,  Just found your wonderful blog!  Love it!

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