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ThinkHer tool #5

Because April is poetry month,

I’ve decided to microfocus my otherwise spontaneous poeming sharings on the truths I walk around with defending each day …

These are little snippet views of larger convictions…

They’re the thinkHer tools I use to let me taking steps to further build and be what I cherish hold and see possible for every man for every woman.

I offer them here with love…

And it’s another glimpse of how I work with someone one to one in my healing work and practice.

If you want to know the why behind any poem…


If you want to know more my own stories or triumphs healing…


If anything I share resonates with you and you wish to speak further and or consider working with me with me I welcome you to

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Thank you for sharing moments here…

My heart with yours,



We each embody Love and its infinite expression cannot be confined to same old same old… but the pull to cling to a schedule, role, title or defined purpose that we outline and justify to make sense of our now?…can restrict and limit us…

So for this fifth thinkerhertool I wanna share with you a gentle but deeply meaningful tender little truth…

May my sharing this with you help you hear the conviction behind it… and may that sharing nod and hug your own ability to step forward when newness is drawing yet you feel pulled to cling to what’s known… My heart with yours, Tre


I cannot be made

to cling

to what once gave purpose or meaning… For I will not resist unknowns

as I walk gently

and embrace my now.#myheartwithyours #spontaneous_poeming #leftthumb #rightpointer #growth #womanhood

#poetrymonth #april #herstory #poem #poetry #thinkhertools #thinkher #leadher #investher #buildher #nesther


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