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ThinkHer tool #6:

Because April is poetry month,

I’ve decided to microfocus my otherwise spontaneous poeming sharings on the truths I walk around with defending each day …

These are little snippet views of larger convictions…

They’re the thinkHer tools I use to let me taking steps to further build and be what I cherish hold and see possible for every man for every woman.

I offer them here with love…

And it’s another glimpse of how I work with someone one to one in my healing work and practice.

If you want to know the why behind any poem…


If you want to know more my own stories or triumphs healing…


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Thank you for sharing moments here…

My heart with yours,



ThinkHer tool 6:

“I will not be contained in a form

or made to appear or perform …

but allow my being to flow

in all Love’s infinite glow. “

The pulls to perform to please to make proud… they tug at our motive …sometimes quietly, other times loud… when you begin to look deep within you may be humbled to see ahhhh there she is again… the little girl seeking still to please…hug her… hold her…shame her not…. tenderly adore her… it’s only a known form of being with which she’s so familiar…. defend for her she has already become an expert at that way…and let her know there are other more liberating strengthening empowering ways…. for if she begins to seek to make her intuition pleased not only will she smile more but she’ll “scale” as the venture capitalists say …and her love will reach —in thought—the seekers of humanity. Then it will be an authentic endeavor and pleasing others will become no longer her default. Ahhh yes I have learned this time and again and yet each time it arises it’s like ok hi this is a familiar friend. So here is a thinkHer tool for you today… notice the tendency to please and let her go… for a day. :)” #thinkhertools #spontaneous_poeming #myheartwithyours #herstory #leftthumb rightpointer #poetrymonth #april #poem

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