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When thought is still, we are calm.
When we’re calm, we can open our hearts to listen.
When we listen, we can hear…
What we hear differs..but the constants come as nudges.
We get still, calm, open our hearts, our thoughts, listen, and we hear the nudge.
Sometimes just one. Often many. But those nudges nudge us: ‘take a step’…”know this”…”defend that.”
Hearing a nudge and heeding it are two different things.
What’s the truth: the nudge comes. The nudge nudges.
It’s one thing to hear a nudge. It’s another to act on or heed it.
So for today’s Tuesday truth: the nudge comes. It always comes.
The nudge is that inner deep knowing on many different levels.
Keeping it simple, it’s our direct one to one communing with universal Mind or divine Love. It’s our core, it’s what bases us, guides and governs our steps.
Hearing it is one thing.
Heeding it another.
But it’s always there.
So how are we heeding it?
What works for you?