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Ever notice how much there’s a constant pull “Oh, if only I knew this….or if only I had experience in that…then I’d be able to do ______.”
Sometimes feeling like we don’t know enough to do what we want to do–and do it well–can make us disheartened.
But it doesn’t have to.
We can switch the nature of the statement from a plea to an affirmation.
Right now, I know enough.
Right now I know what I need to know.
Try it.
Close your eyes and say it.
And believe it.
Watch how much tries to laugh that thought away, accuse you of being ridiculous, and ridicule you into not even trying it.
But here’s the thing.
The affirmation “I know what I need to know” is a spiritual fact.
We are each expressions, thoughts of divine Mind.
That Mind knows all. By expression we reflect that knowing.
Surely we don’t profess to be the divine Mind.
But we can approach life day in and day out with affirming that we do know, know enough, and are able to know more as we need to know it, on any issue.
Try it.
You just may be amazed by what you realize you do know or do know how to ask for what you want to know.
The point is we know enough right now to make any decision we need to, take any next step–as small as it may be, that we need to–figure out anything we want to, even if it means seeking out more information in the process.
And what’s more, as we defend that we DO KNOW enough right now, all the complaints, condemnings, accusations or whatever that might spring up if we settle on “I don’t know enought” vanish. Why? They have nothing to hold onto, no buy in.
So try it. Take an hour, a day, a week and live from the conviction that right now you already know what you need to know.
And have fun! 🙂
Sometimes it's our inpatience where we need to find out now instead of letting it unfold. The beauty lies not in our finding out but in the process of waiting.
Sometimes it's our inpatience where we need to find out now instead of letting it unfold. The beauty lies not in our finding out but in the process of waiting.