What do you think…
When they tell you what to ______ ?
What do you think…
When they tell you how to ______?
What do you think…
When they tell you why to _____?
What do you think…
When they tell you where to ____?
What do you think…
about taking a pause…
allowing yourself no reason …
just because…
You’re going to turn away from what they think…
You’re going to choose to look through a different lens for a bit…
And what if the ‘they’ we speak of…
are all the opinions about yourself you’ve been holding onto…
the ones that blare that you are this way and that…
the ones that condemn or shame or blame you in fact…
Now take a look at the poem again…
Is it possible to look at the “they” as simply opinion???
And still ask “What do you think” because of course we must…
Only by separating from their opinions — those of limited lacking suggestions–
can we begin to choose to put on a new frame…
and look through the lens of Love and ask to see ourselves anew again.
And now what if I nudge this too:
That each time you refute what “they” tell you to…
You are healing your own inner domestic violence…
Because the condemning and shaming and blaming we’ve tolerated
has not one ounce of ability to help us…
Our thought is a home!!!
and self condemning — the most heinous abuser — must go!
But the most wonderful thing!!!
We can separate out completely from it…
So today during this month long focus for October
When the state where I’m dwelling is celebrating no more domestic violence from any kind of abuser
my take on it may be a bit different
yet all the same I am praying and hoping for more to find healing…
that in our thought homes no abuser can thrive…
no condemner be allowed to run at large…
no verbal attacker be loose at large…
But oh so can we answer “What we think”
For we are allowed to hold our own view…
And be freed forever for what they–opinions–think … And that truly is healing and freeing !!!
“What we most need is the prayer of fervent desire, for growth in grace expressed as patience meekness love and good deeds”
~ Mary Baker Eddy