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#31Keepsakes continue with Keepsake#22: Honesty

Reflection in a soap bubble.
Image via Wikipedia

Honesty is that moment at hand when we choose to speak truth and live it.

Honesty is that moment at hand when we admit our fears and fall on our knees to become even stronger still.

Honesty is that moment at hand when the show and the performance and the being certain we look a part subsides and when we dig deep and know that our motive may be better fulfilled a different way…and then being willing to step back and honor growth made and proceed.

Honesty demands of us nothing less than integrity to ourselves…for only there are we able to stand face to face with our hearts and know we haven’t failed ourselves….our inner knowing…or all that we are striving to live…

In truth, we can’t ever fail….and knowing this nudges us hourly to square our accounts with our sense of Truth…and stand there…no matter what the tumult of storm blows.

May you savor the keepsake that is honesty and treasure it and be overflowing in living it.

Hugs to you….

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