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On December 14, my birthday, I sent out the following wish and hope to several women who’ve nurtured me so much over the years including my mother, sister, aunt, cousins, dear friends, step mom, grandmothers, and a few other key influences.
The truth is so many of us have had numerous mothering influences….
This was my request of them and my hope for us all…so I share it here with you….Enjoy.
Happy Birthday to me
Today finds me a forty one year young woman named Tre…
The blessings are many…infinite…beyond…
Namely today’s just the continuing
of a life long endeavor to heal once and for all
the cause for every child’s tear, mother’s cry, wife’s heartache, daughter’s fear…
As my healing practice takes a huge global pause
I’m reminded of all that ‘as in heaven so on earth’ truly means for us all…
And so I must roll up my sleeves even more
and get working and cracking as never before…
The world has great need of mothering it’s daughters, especially–infants, teens, women of every nation
so that each one’s life may be nurtured, adored, beloved, allowed to blossom its own standing ovation.
Too much out there silences, shuns, boxes, closes in….
imposes, insists, hushes and would rally if our voices were lost in the wind….
And at times we feel the weight of the world’s influence and do the same to ourselves..
through admonishing condemning, begrudging, or even doubting our very precious tender selves…
And so on this my special day, if you have any inclination to send a gift or a token my way
please listen deeply to what I am about to say…
Each one of you in the unique manner that you’ve been blessed…
has given me the gift of your enduring unselved love and tenderness…
And what I’m so earnestly eager to somehow gather and cherish for a long time’s sake
is your version of your story, your life, your voice, your version, your take…
I know that tis a busy season full of holiday and cheer….
but even in the midnight hours by candlelight or chandelier….
Please consider this request to seize moments to pen, type, record, film — however you see fit
the story of your life –thus far…..using humor, prose and of course a bit of wit….
Tell it with all its color, grandeur, humility or pause….
but DO savor it, nurture it, record it….I promise it’s for a greater cause….
Or even if that task feels too long to engage, may I ask you to consider doing so throughout the rest of your days…..
And then for the now over the next several months perhaps just a chapter….
It could even be told like a fairy tale with your own version of happily ever after….
But pen or type or record or film to your heart’s content and delight….
Your version of your story with all its glowing luster, strength, depth and might…..
And when you’ve reach a point and wanna just kinda pause for a time….
Hug your heart a million times over for recognizing a woman’s voice is worth more than a simple poem or silly rhyme…
Tuck it up under lock and key in your curio or dresser or a favorite diary
Or send it my way if you choose to share and want me to see
In a very small yet huge way we are sewing the legacy’ tapestry…
It’s really just the beginning of the fulfillment of a much larger dream…
so I’m leaning on my mothers, sisters/aunts/cousins a logical starting group you seem…
Thank you from the depths of all that I am striving to love and be….
To continue to nurture and foster a prospering humanity…..
Berk and I send warm hugs to all of you from candlelight and keyboard…..
So very much love ….
Tre ~
Hey Shannon…Thanks so much for saying so…your stories inspire me to keep writing and letting the words flow…and yes these stories…windows on our lives…really are so important…vital actually..and each time we give ourselves permission to voice them, it helps all the world over….hugs back.
Hey Shannon…Thanks so much for saying so…your stories inspire me to keep writing and letting the words flow…and yes these stories…windows on our lives…really are so important…vital actually..and each time we give ourselves permission to voice them, it helps all the world over….hugs back.
What a beautiful wish — and a beautiful vision — from such a beautiful spirit!! You are a gift and a treasure …and I thank you for the reminder to capture our stories. They matter and are so, so important!! much, much love!