- Image by mikebaird via Flickr
There’s a natural resistance to the dumping on ourselves…
No matter how much we justify, warrant, obligate, consent ourselves to the bashing…
No matter how much we rehash, review, remind and choose to impose guilt and blame while overlooking wrongs done toward us, and fault ourselves again and again and conclude “well, I should have known better, after all, I must have brought all that on….”
No matter how much we suffocate our defense that knows we were not wrong…
Even THEN…The innocent one in us knows better….knows we are still becoming…knows we are still evolving…knows we emerge from a boundless basis…and YET….
Might it be easier to sabotage than to savour?
Might is be habitual to denounce and deny rather than adore and adorn?
Might it be we need to rally the strength to thwart off the pulls to dump and instead pour that deep yearning into insisting on our right to breathe and LIVE this moment?
It’s EASY to go the route of self denial, condemning and sabotage.
There’s great company there and it’s a highly social scene.
Many squawk and compare who’s drama is greater, tougher, more inviting of unceasing enduring…..
And OH the stories….and the goings on and on….
BUT…..maybe there slips a teeny hand into ours…our little girl within who wisely leads us and tugs our stance to turn….to see the dimly lit and rather barren path ahead…that’s sweet and simple and pretty basic…and plead with us to walk there…where it’s quiet…serene….still…and she actually invites us to play….and stay….in the NOWness of our moments and in the innocence perpetual of our lives.
How will we respond?
I for one am gonna play…..and play…..and then some ….with a mighty glee….and thank her for inviting me……
How bout you? 🙂
“Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear, — this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony. The purification of sense and self is a proof of progress.” (Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy)