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Be-com-ing or Be – ing ? a thought workshop

The thing we will do…someday whenwe feel stronger.

The thing we yearn for will happen to us…someday when…someone, anyone notices.

The who we want to become …someday when…after we prove worthy.

The what we will allow for ourselves…someday when…we show somehow that we’ve ‘earned’ it.

Sound familiar?

Are you walking around with the possibilities for someday when?

Is that hugging your heart?

or weighing you down?

If what you must do to prove you’ve earned that reward for someday when is

  • weighing you down
  • making you feel guilty
  • and most of all making you feel unworthy now

it may be that what could be most helpful for your right now is asking this question:

What am I living right now?…a hope of who I become…


a conviction of being all that I am…now?


Unpacking this question:

Let’s go deep for a moment, cause that’s how I roll:

You and me already are spiritual.

We are.

That’s a fact, provable every moment.

Here’s the awesome: we’re not lacking a wink of any quality.

Lemme say that again: we’re not lacking…an ounce of good, an ounce of ability, an ounce of resourcefulness, or an ounce of love.

  • We have it.
  • We include it.
  • We don’t have to try to earn more of it.

Hard to believe?

Well, to the degree we expand our awareness of why we are spiritual now, not someday when, then we have the opportunity right now to prove it.

Ugh you say. That feels like work.

Well, I know.

The meaningful stuff is…(it’s the toughest work quite honestly because thought feels comfy in lack lies…they’re like the biggest couch or comfiest lounge chair).

But it’s doable and provable now…in thought.


Your turn to practice:

Take a moment.

Look at any object in your surrounds.

Keep this super simple.

Ask: am I using this object?

Ask: how does this object make me feel?

Ponder: why am I keeping this object?

Think: if your thought about the object is mute and it’s purely functional, keep it.

Ask: If the object is something you have received to use someday, or have been saving to use someday, ask why.

Look: And especially if the object is something you would use someday when something happens, give that a big look.

Ask: how does the waiting make you feel?

During a time in my life I worked as a housekeeper/maid (“Evolve Serenity” homes in Chicago, 2007 and 2008 if you knew me back then 🙂 ), while I was cleaning houses, condos, apartments, I really was helping folks sift their thought closets.

I’d ask each one to think about why he or she was hanging onto that thing.

(doesn’t matter if it’s in the closet garage living room kitchen cabinet bedroom, office, title, status…etc)

Qualifiers: If the thing is weighing you down, making you believe there’s someday when out there when you will use the object, and that belief is making you feel sad, mentally heavy, and you keep hanging onto it, you’re walking around trying to become that person someday when…and you’re allowing yourself believe more good will happen out there then.

Spiritual fact: all good is now. Why: because good is Love manifested. And you and me are the image of Love.

So there’s a responsibility we each have to live our lives be-ing — not be-com-ing– that love.


The hard stubborn fact of our resistance:


“But… but… but” you argue.

“How is that object I might use someday when inhibiting how I express love now?”

Great question!

This is thought we are talking about really.

And some of it wants to leap at these ideas.

And some of it is gonna cling to the way you’ve always done it.

Because that’s the false sense of safe, security, life and substance.

Bottom line: you’re gonna wanna cling and keep that object.

I know. I’ve been there.

Think about it this way:

Can you drive a car if it’s in neutral?

Are you getting to that destination by sitting there thinking about all the obstacles in the road sitting between you and that destination?

Not a problem.

Desired destinations are awesome goals.

Yet…be honest: are you driving there today?

Did you drive there last week? last month? last year?

You have to ask that.

Are you taking tangible steps to get there?

If not, it’s a destination you think you’ll reward yourself with someday when

and that friend? is living be-coming… is living the belief of not whole now…

and to the degree we are living be-com-ing we are living a sense of lack and we are not fully on being the whole complete expression of love we are.

So what??? (you may say)

I’m nodding.

So what indeed.

Well… when thought is fully in 5th gear, or if you don’t drive a stick shift, when thought if fully in being now,

  • nothing is out there being dangled as a someday when.
  • nothing is dangled out there as a someday when you’re be a better person.
  • nothing is out there asserting you will have proved you are a stronger, more complete individual.


Put the thinking into practice:

Try this today.

Take any object that has a someday when status attached to it.

Ponder pitching it.

How does that make you feel?

You are you now.

Your dreams and goals are not dependent on these objects.

And most importantly, you’re never going to be loved any more than this right now moment.



There’s a lot I wrote above.

If you need to talk through any of it, I’m right here: tre@thoughtbythought.net

Give yourself permission to pitch be-coming.

Give yourself permission to save and live be-ing.

Imagine a closet-full, a home full, a life full of be – ing.



Thought by thought.

If any of these ideas resonate with you…

And you could use a bit of hand holding as you sort your thought closet and ask the questions above…

I welcome you considering working with me.

Click the contact me tab to the right

or email me directly: tre@thoughtbythought.net

This is simply one exercise to help you practically…to live your spirituality now and free your thought from the belief you are waiting to become more than you already are.

Thank you for reading this and thinking through it with me.

“Eternal truth is changing the universe. As mortals lose their mental swaddling clothes, thought expands into expression.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy

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