- Image by mnsc via Flickr
Sunday….post holiday and pre- New Year….a time of a lot of reflecting, intending, yearning, being.
And also a time for pausing, regrouping, restructuring.
Lots of listening.
Lots of pausing.
Lots of asking big questions and little ones.
Finding beauty e v e r y w h e r e…striving to feel peace e v e r y m o m e n t…yearning to get resilient at shunning the thoughts that blare, accuse, attack, condemn, while savoring every moment’s possibility to nurture, cherish, hold, adore, tuck up, and love.
The moments at hand hold an ever growing bounty of possibility, if we explore them that way.
How are you?
Where are your thoughts on this eve of a new decade at the birth of a 2nd millenium?
Peace to you and yours….