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Daily thought tip: knowing there’s no mistake is the safest road to take

 We’ve all been somewhere (family table…party…walking with a friend…on phone in our kitchen) and someone –including ourselves– announces– kaddump kaddump his/her “plan”… And we celebrate with him/her. And we listen… And there’s a lot of this is what I’m doing, how it will happen, how I will be conpensated, why its right…for “me” for “my” life… And every single possible detail is announced as if it’s a blueprint of that dear one’s life.

And all are proud. And all applaud. And all can rest assured this one has it going on.
And there’s deep merit to all that outlining. But it’s helpful to pause and step back sometimes… And realize that often a sense of security comes from outlining all the steps to take and assuming all the outcomes. But what this blueprint often doesn’t include is the little plan for what will happen if my plan doesn’t come true. I mean this with my whole heart…. Know that anyone openly sharing their plan is really seeking “show me I’m loved and safe…please help me know that I am” 
And Often? You can’t give this love and reassurance with words … But in your thought you can halt the pull that tries to say “well who do they think they are”. That dear one is seeking a thumbs up. And who hasn’t really? We are to be and give love, truly. Now I know their tone is often high and mighty and proud. Because it’s so convincing when you “announce a plan out loud” It could be a coworker it could be a boss it could be a relative or a neighbor or someone you don’t know. The to do (esp when you’re reading announcements on the web too) is to pause…Check in with thought…. And get your grounding –you’re so safe…and their sharing and announcing doesn’t have to catch you off guard. And then pour your focus into deep compassion. Maybe their plan will work maybe it won’t but the deep need in that moment is to know we ALL are figuring out there’s no mistake:) and we are each always safe. It’s how Love loves. and you can love unconditionally this dear one and whatever new plan is being announced that he or she made…. #thought_tip #healingpoetry #myheart2yours 

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