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Elves are a tinkering:)


Just like the elves at Santa’s workshop are tinkering away building toys and more,
So too are the elves of Thought by Thought THINKering up some new modes of expression for sure…

With the click of a link a Facebook was closed…and with it 7 years of inspired thoughts and nudges of keeping on…

And with another 54 deletes was a YouTube channel and a google + account also gone…not for not liking video surely no but simply because…

At times the outposts feel the WAY to reach the many seeming out “there” ..

Yet Divine Love has a way of saying quite clearly “Lovey one I’ve got them all…now you focus within your now and here.”

And with that gentle nudge as you’ve so often heard me say, I nodded within and said “Huh. Okay”

You see I never came online with the goal of selling a pitch

I never hoped to whoo a reader or lure them as just another name on a list.

I had no intention of gathering up a tribe

I’ve never pretended here though it’s often been where I allowed myself hide

Because in my field you have to brave a whole lotta suspicion…

What ? Who are you? What do you mean matter isn’t real and that all of us can experience heaven (harmony) here and now?
What do you mean I’m innately innocent when the world tells me I’m born a sinner?
What do you mean God -power – is all presence of Love?
What is this book you keep talking about Science and Health and who was its author Mary Baker Eddy?
You mean you’re practicing the Science of Being she discovered and sharing her life’s work you feel is a part of your mission?

And yet? Don’t we all deal with these condemnings from those who just –bless them– haven’t ever yet taken a stand
for what they believe in, for what they surely would follow if they’d understand?

And I use that word so gently “follow”…

None of us ever can be made to follow a personality, a system, or a way of thinking…guised in the name of “community” or “tribe”

We belong not because how many like our updates or read our posts or retweet our 140 but because of how we are already adored held loved and how we choose to live this.

So perhaps –not sure yet– the huggy touchy feeling I chose with folks online made up for the tough of “out there” …maybe…yet:

Let’s unmask that bugger shall we?
Wherever is “out there” really when our thought about all is the only here?

I mean this deeply from my heart to yours:

There no big bad boogie men or women or systems of ideology or isms out there ….the boogies are simply beliefs in that thought of ours…and that’s where we gotta heal em

Out there… right here… and everywhere in between ….all that there is is atmosphere of Love (not communities of seem)

and the more you know and live this, the more it becomes whatcha breathe 🙂 (promise!!)

And with that, I am honing in big time for sure and asking just how I can embrace even more so my right now, right here, now and forever more.

With a dash and a prance and a leap that looks nothing so graceful as Comet –hee hee…

It was easy to close up the ways that have served my online endeavors, if I’m being honest. (Though I miss everyone muchly)….

Not for not valuing each and every bitta courage owned and exuded …

But for being sure I don’t create a following and leave anyone deluded…

to think that we need to follow each other or think “that one’s got it goin on” more than another …

We allllll gots it goin on!!!
We allllll are so adored and loved!!!
We needs be living that song!!!

My hope in taking this pause is to nod with you…that as we heed our inner nudges we can’t help but grow and bless as we should..bc nothing speaks so clearly as that love right to us so truly.

And with that I continue on in my endeavors to practice that Science of Being available to all…
That heals every inkling of fear and every ounce of woe…
That redeems and restores every broken and fallen heart…
That flips upside the head the belief of sickness and sin and enables every jnnocent unselved heart win

I’m very engaged as ever in this healing work as I’ve always been…

And as seems doable and natural, you bet I’ll be sharing here once again:)

Deepest heartfelt hugs for a holiday season filled with the wonder of the Christ and all the promise of what’s possible for each one of us as we banish fear and exude our truest we…



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