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Going to ‘there-ville’ while blazing through here-and-now-ville….or not

Hey friend…


You’re heading to there-ville?


I headed there once….never made it though…

Why did I give up?


Interesting way to phrase that.

I didn’t give up…I just redefined my ‘there.

But, more on that later.


Lemme ask you a different question.

Why do you want to leave your here-ville?


You’re looking at me funny.


The ‘where” you are in your now.


You’re not any where yet, but you will ‘be’ when you get to ‘there-ville?’

Yeah, I thought that once, too.

More on that…later.


Lemme ask a different question.

How do you like now-ville?


You look flustered.

Let me expand.

The steps you’re taking to get to ‘there-ville.’

How are those going?


You now look more flustered.

You have no idea what I’m speaking of with this crazy nonsense of now-ville and here-ville.

All you care about is getting…there….to there-ville.

And what the heck do I mean about ‘steps’ ?

The what you’re doing to get to there-ville

Those are steps.

And where your thought is while you’re taking each step?

That’s your now-ville.

And that?

The where your thought is?

Matters. so. deeply. much.


No they don’t you say, because  they’re just what you have to get through to get to there-ville?


I can relate.

I used to think exactly that.

I used to think no matter how fast I steamroll and blaze past now-ville, all that matters is getting to there-ville.

I’d insist “I’m going to there-ville. No matter what.”

And I’d fight–in thought– to make it happen.

  • I’d steamroll over my fears.
  • I’d blaze a trail through my second guessing.
  • I’d scold and hush up my ‘but what iffing.’

I was really mean to me — in my thoughts — in other words.

And I’d ignore a lot of my need to slow down.

And kinda hold my breath and remind myself I could breathe….later.

You’re nodding your head.


About holding your breath and doing anything at any cost so long as you get to there-ville?

Yeah, I know.

It’s what many of us are doing.

It’s what I did for like ever and what I sometimes catch myself still doing.

Let’s just say I’m learning how to give myself permission to breathe with each step.

I’m learning how to let myself see my now-ville as what matters...just as much as where I think I’m heading.

I’m learning to see each step is a ‘here-ville.

I’m learning to make how I treat myself — in thought–while taking each step — matter .

  • not steamroll through it.
  • not hold my breath until I get to there-ville.
  • not be on total hold and do nothing else in any other area of my life before I get to there-ville.

And here’s a little secret.

I’m not insisting so much on getting to there-ville.


That shocks you?

Well, I’m not giving up surely no.

But I’m learning.

Our there-ville is really the what we chose to represent a big desire.

We name it a place, position, title, status, accomplishment.

But it’s really a collection of desired goals and achievements.

And mastering those is possible moment by moment.

And while my now sense used to insist that collection of desires meant head to there-ville,

well I’m learning that wher I’ve insisted on as there-ville may well not be big. enough. actually. 🙂


I underestimate what the there-ville could be.

And so I’m learning.

To stop insisting on where is there-ville and how fast I need to get there.

You’re nodding your head.


Does that scare you?

To let go a little bit from the rush to to get to there-ville?

To stop holding your breath and steam rolling?


It used to scare me too.

So here’s what I wanna offer.

We are allowed to breathe in any process.

It’s not wrong to want to go to there-ville.

It’s not selfish or self absorbed.

But it’s vital to breathe in the process.

And it’s vital to see your here-and-now- ville as the what matters most…as the where you are dwelling.

You’re nodding your head.

Me too.

I used to think that in order to breathe with each step I’d have to give up heading toward there-ville.

I’d have to slow it all down so much that the “there-ville” would seem either out of reach or too hard to get to.


As I’m allowing myself permission to breathe along the way, to move a lot more thoughtfully a lot less willfully?

I’m noticing so much more.

I’m seeing that now-ville IS the most important there-ville.

My thought about my now IS just as vital as getting to there-ville.

And you know why I think this is?

Because it’s how I notice how loved I am, how guided I am, how shepherded if you will each moment we are.

If I blaze through…If I steamroll through any of the steps?

I may get to the there-ville.

But ….

I may miss a whole love of caring for me and my footsteps in the process.

And you know what else?

I’m learning I am worth that care….And I want to appreciate each step…

I want to adore my now-ville.

So….circling back….

I didn’t stop heading to there-ville.

I just expanded my sense of it. 🙂

And these days?

I’m dwelling in here-and-now-ville and letting those guide the steps to there-ville.

What do you think? 🙂

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