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Harvesting…being love

Happy Autumn Season to you! 🙂

Wanted to ask you what you’re harvesting?

In thought?

That’s right.


What are you noticing that is shifting…


Well, for me?

I’m noticing this:

In all my efforts

  • to do
  • to achieve
  • to attain
  • to take care of
  • to help
  • to support
  • to lend a hand
  • to save
  • to protect
  • to nurture
  • to grow


there seems a vital need of late and forever and always…..

the whole point really

and that is this:

being love.

It’s autumn here in my New England nook.

And as I gaze over the past year and all that I’ve tucked up and cherished and planted and strived for and and and…..

what remains a constant…and not just this year but always….is my ceaseless endeavor to exude love….

and more and more and more and more do I see that at the times when I felt the most void, it was typically when my quest to do all the above took priority over devoting to me.

and I dont mean that in a self absorbed way

and I’m not rushing out to get a massage or a manicure

I’m not speaking in terms of loving myself as pampering

or doting on.

I’m speaking in terms of really honestly striving to cherish and value and hug and hold the me I am and all that I embody….

my individuality.

I’m learning how to tenderly mommy her more…

I’m learning how to confidently mentor her more…

I’m learning how to perpetually companion her heart and defend ad infinitum that in being love, well, the what is mine to do appears, the where and how and as I need to be is known….

And the ability to give and support and exude just abounds because the love overflows.

I’m hoping to shift the focus of this blog a bit toward qualities of thought I’m exuding…all under the hug of being love…

qualities of thought like:













and so on….

So do comment below if there’s a quality of thought you are striving to exude that you need a bitta boost on or lemme know if there’s an aspect to your womanhood you are feeling lacking about.

We are already whole complete beings.


Not partial.

Not half.

Not single.

Not missing anything.

Not lacking an ounce of anything.

And I say womanhood because I am woman.

The same is true for manhood.

No man is lacking any essential essence or quality of thought he needs to exude his own sense of being love.

So grateful for your reading and being here.

Big warm autumn harvesting hugs to you 🙂

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