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How do you heal the sting of criticism when it hurts inside? Saturday satisfied…

Criticism hurts.

That’s nothing new.

It always shocks…

and there’s a tendency to feel boo-hoo.

But from my heart to yours,

what i know is true?

The one criticizing

is really saying:

who you are is scary to me too


your ideas/your vision/how you are is so different from what I’m used to

Instead of allowing their words and tone sink in

and in response, react to the what has never been true

or perhaps what is so wrong

we can refuse to respond

we can refuse further in our thought and have compassion



In this poem I share how I chose to respond with compassion

By offering a comparison

so that instead of being scared of what I’m doing

the one criticizing could see a common bond we share:

We are both gardeners…

she with seeds.

me with ideas…

My heart to yours,

Tre ~


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