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How to deal with the inner critic (continuing On Being Authentic)

Being authentic is a bit like looking in the mirror …looking at your eyes and saying whether or not you’re being honest with yourself.

Only we don’t walk around looking in the mirror 24/7.

We do walk around with our thoughts 24/7 and it’s sure as heck easy to the escape the ones we don’t wanna listen to.

But worse than the honest assessment voice is the inner condemner, the voice that is always sabotaging everything we do…from how we breathe to what we look like to even the littlest attempts toward fulfilling our passions.

Silencing the inner condemner is essential for authenticity.

It’s kinda like being willing to stand and face the bully in Kindergarten.

And hey, okay if you ran away. I used to, especially from those bullies I didn’t think I could stand up against.

But I faced others.

And learned how when you face the opposition, quite often this alone disables its potential power and effects.

So too with the inner condemner.

Take a piece of paper or go open up a new word file.

Write/type anything that the inner condemner is saying about you right now.

Here’s a glimpse at mine.

1. You suck.

2. You’re so incapable, why do you even bother.

3. What the hell are you thinking trying to be in business for yourself.

4. You’re ugly and stupid. You don’t even know how bad you look.

5. Pointless. You’re a fraud. Leave now while you still can.

Nice huh?

So in writing all this crappola down, two things happen:

1. I get the blaring accusations outa my thoughts.

2. I can look at them objectively and see why the substance of each argument is totally false.

Surely there’s room for me to grow on a lot of levels. And this is what being authentic does, reveal just exactly what.

But the condemning arguments are heinous lies and not a one is ever true.

To the degree we squelch the inner condemner can we really look ourselves in the mirror and honestly assess what really needs changing.

Unless we silence the inner condemner, all our efforts to be authentic will likely be aimed at improving the wrong things.

Imagine if I believed the accusation: you’re ugly and stupid, why bother?

I would probably create an intense health and fitness regime (nothing wrong with either when done with a sense of nurturing care) only to find at the end of working out for 5 hours and eating the right foods I still loathe myself.

That’s because the inner condemner’s argument has no solid foundation or truth.

So create your own list and pause and take a look at it at a later time.

I guarantee you you will realize how heinous those attacking lies are.

And more, to the degree you stop believing any of them will you squelch the condemner.

Does that help at all?

Lemme know if you need more help with this.

You have the right to live your authentic true nature.

Silencing the condemning voice is vital to that process.

Looking forward to hearing how this works for you and how I can help more…

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  • KateGladstone March 2, 2012, 7:36 am

    I made the list — and that makes it harder than ever to regard the items on te list as lies. Help!

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