- Image by eNil via Flickr
Hey there and big hugs to you :)…
Thanks for takin’ a few moments outa your day today to invest thought and time in this post.
It means a lot to me that you come.
It means even more that you read.
And it just matters deeply much to me that I hug you for that effort…an instance of your life where you’re choosing to interchange with me and you’re opting to take some moments and reflect and comment on something I’ve written and / or something you’ve considered as you read.
I deeply value your contribution, on whatever level or expression. Truly muchly.
And I wanna offer this which is something I haven’t said yet so directly:
I want to be sure I’m supporting you however best I can in braving your own waters to share your story…to speak from your heart and share from your deepest yearnings the kind of ideas you’re wanting to…whatever they look like in whatever form….of your life journey.
I get the intimidation that can come from choosing to blog.
I totally get it.
I completely understand and am nodding my head with you about frieking out over buying a domain and self hosting your blog and figuring out all the whatchamacallit widgets and templates and software and and and.
And if you’re like me and have this kinda stubborn and kinda courageous streak that needs to teach it all to herself by just diving in without a whole gameplan 🙂 then I totally get the complete feeling of overwhelm in the process too. 🙂
I am my own tech department–for now 🙂 and I get the whole “do I really know what I need to know to do this thing?”
But I’ll share with you, what’s nudged me on every single time is more than just a complete conviction that fear is never going to squelch my efforts.
That more is this: we each matter. So much. And our stories, our experiences of the heart, those are to me what connects us, what links our humanity. And not just our stories themselves but the how our hearts shift…how we’re moved and how we grow.
It’s why I blog. It’s why I’m showing up to do my part. And it’s my hope that you will too and / or will let me know how I can help you with that process.
Because here’s the thing: those of you who blog already may get this: there’s a total parallel between willingness to stand for our growth and blog it and the actual journey of that growth.
There’s something so uniquely parallel about claiming the triumphs and continuing them. About admitting the messes yet seeing our way through them.
For me, as I write, my thoughts are clearly focused on the where I’m trying to go, but as it always happens, the stuff that needs to be shared comes up. And just in life: I have my eye on the goal, but there’s that ever present divine Love nurturing each of our footsteps that nudges the ways we need to grow that maybe don’t include such a linear trail to that goal.
So blogging isn’t so much an option for me as the now means of my writing.
And like you, I yearn to connect more in terms of hearing others’ stories and hearing ways you are struggling, working through your messes, figuring out ways to squelch your demons, and figuring out ways to triumph.
The whole journey matters much.
And our willingness to connect and journey together matters much.
So whether in the comments or over on twitter (@tresha) I hope you will take the time to share where you are telling your story…or simply share a nugget..something you’re working on right now or something you feel you’ve triumphed through more recently.
Because..we each matter. 🙂
Big hugs.
Hey Yok. Wonderful to hear from you and hear your question…In my journey I've learned that everything is thought…and every action we take is motivated by thought….I would weigh your why on every level. and I mean every level. If fear is steering any element of your decision making, look at that. Deeply, honestly, openly. None of us are these random lives. What helps me much is to base each choice from a place of fulfilment and fullness rather than emptiness, void and lack. Your question assumes persuing what you love would leave you lacking somehow. Look at that too. Here to offer more thoughts if you wanna hear 'em. Hugs for checkin in.
I'm balancing wanting to do what I love versus doing what's more profitable. It's the age old question but does money follow doing what you love?
What about my future when old age sets in, retirement, trips, taking courses ? All these things take money where is it going to come from if I just pursue what I love now?
Hey Yok. Wonderful to hear from you and hear your question…In my journey I've learned that everything is thought…and every action we take is motivated by thought….I would weigh your why on every level. and I mean every level. If fear is steering any element of your decision making, look at that. Deeply, honestly, openly. None of us are these random lives. What helps me much is to base each choice from a place of fulfilment and fullness rather than emptiness, void and lack. Your question assumes persuing what you love would leave you lacking somehow. Look at that too. Here to offer more thoughts if you wanna hear 'em. Hugs for checkin in.
I'm balancing wanting to do what I love versus doing what's more profitable. It's the age old question but does money follow doing what you love?
What about my future when old age sets in, retirement, trips, taking courses ? All these things take money where is it going to come from if I just pursue what I love now?