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31 Keepsakes continue with Keepsake #20: Being Trust

Sking a black diamond
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Sometimes we have a feeling about something we want to do.

We may not see it in full, the ‘what’ but we simply have that inner knowing.

As children, we ran with it, no fear and often no doubt, second guessing or hesitation.

As grown-ups, we let ourselves become inundated with every possible reason to thwart acting on the feeling.

I have a phrase for this: I call it the not-me…the ‘untrust’…the heeding what doesn’t allow us to trust.

In my practice, I help clients cultivate how to advocate for their ‘me’ the voice within that trusts and acts and knows and lives.

And simultaneously, I help folks comprehend their ‘not-me’ the voice that doubts, denies, shuns, or squelches the inner knowing.

As we wrap up this #mentoring_our_moments series, no other keepsake seems appropriate than to offer this:

As we heed that inner nudge and trust it, we give ourselves permission on so many levels to own our voice and express our individuality.

No one can do this for you.

No one can really tell you to either.

Take moments, lots of them, to discern the voices which influence…and strive so intently to act on and trust those of your heart.

Here to support you and help you learn how…

Til the next keepsake….

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