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On nurturing our thoughts with compassion….

Watering the plants with Dad
Image by Beauty of Africa via Flickr

So yesterday I blogged about reacting to change with compassion so that when change occurs, we are that more prepared to react to it calmly and gently. (and not make rash decisions we may regret).

And after hitting ‘publish’ I just kept thinking: I hardly touched that topic.

It’s a biggie.

But it’s several actually. Here’s just a few of the themes embedded within:

a. The vital need to acquaint ourselves with our thoughts–how to hear them, manage them, sift them, discard the ones that don’t support, sustain that ones that do.

b. The need to nurture ourselves regularly…moment by moment.

c. The need to evolve a consistent ability to react to ourselves and others with compassion.

d. The need to evolve in our thoughts a practical way to respond to the changes that occur unexpectedly in our lives.

And surely, SURELY, I’m a student in all the above, but I’ve learned enough to blog about all of those topics in a lot greater explanation and detail.

So…I’m posing this to you:

What will help you most right now in your thought by thought journey?

Leave a comment or email me at tre@thoughtbythought.net and lemme know what you’d like to hear more about….even if it’s all the above.

For now, for this post, I’m simply gonna offer what helps me nurture myself on a regular basis with compassion.

We live in a culture/society where competition surrounds us everywhere, where being the best is consistently imposed as ‘the goal’ and where doing so at any cost is vital.

ZERO wrong with striving to be the ‘best’ us that we are.

But pause…..check….think….what’s our starting point?

How are we viewing our right now selves?

Are we seeing ourselves as these weak mortals who must do a million gazillion things before we are finally whole, complete, fulfilled? In other words are we seeing ourselves through a lens of constant ridicule and condemnation, with unattainable expectations?

Or are we starting from a standpoint of seeing ourselves whole already, this moment, complete expressions of our individuality?

Unless we GET INTO THOUGHT and SURROUND OUR HEARTS and thought with perpetual compassion, treating that thought CONSTANTLY like an infant with support, with comfort, we are not giving to ourselves the compassion that we so deserve.

We are not victims and we don’t owe a second more ounce of our thoughts to hearing the mental sabotagings of self condemnation, self hatred, self loathing EVEN THOUGH those types of thoughts may be blaring.

We are innocent expressions of Being…and by Being I’m meaning the creative governing intelligence that is the source of our lives.

As such, our thoughts are like a field of flowering beauty and muddy weeds. And we owe it to ourselves to spend every ounce of thought we can muster on weeding out the mental crap that tries to squelch the beauty.


Because our true spiritual nature is reflection. And in reflection there is zero impurity, zero gross trait of any kind, zero arrogance, zero ego, zero anything worthy of condemning.

How can we exude this true inherent pure nature more regularly?

Thought by thought…by getting into thoughts and refusing to believe that all the negative muck is our own thinking.

Yes it comes guised as our thoughts.

That’s its costume..that’s is sales pitch.

But we aren’t open for manipulation.

So anything–whether it’s blaring that we’ve wasted our lives, screwed up our days, didn’t get enough done today–whatever the condemning biggie is, STOP BUYING IT.

What matters is this moment. Right now. It’s all we have and all we are about. This moment. Now. Right now. Right this very moment.

The creative governing intelligence is divine Love itself. And it is right now A D O R I N G our very being.




By refusing to give your consent to A N Y  THOUGHT that blaringly accuses us of any heinous thing it would try to.

We are not -failures.

We are not losers.

We do not suck.

We are not wasted lives.

What else?

We have not screwed ourselves up or anyone else.

Now I’m not suggesting for a moment that every decision we’ve ever made has been the best choice.

And I’m surely not suggesting that there aren’t things we’ve done with our lives that we may regret.

But time and again I come in touch with so many people who have the most genuine motives of good that struggle from self condemnation and loathing.

So we must learn to be our own advocates, and the way we do this moment by moment is to perpetually adore the individuality we are…all that we’re striving for…all that we’re yearning to be…..AND to value the right now moment as our blank canvas upon which we are ABLE and ARE making choices that matter.

So I’ll pause there.

Lemme know what is helpful to you. What you wanna know more about.

Always here to help however I can. You know this. 😉

Hugs for being here, for reading, for desiring to sculpt your thought by thought journey. 🙂

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