On the way to Someday When,
she paused.
and asked herself, “why am I heading there again?
Many never seemed to ponder openly this inquiry,
busily heading to Someday When quicker than she.
Never heard of the place?
Oh sure you have.
It’s that where and when all things happen, so says that assumed desireable grand plan
of right life or right woman– or man-hood status obtained!
and all of the ways happiness is guaranteed for sure!!
and all of the things one is supposed to want of course!!!
like friends and followers and that oh mighty list !
and publishing contracts and programs and fame as a CEO or FOUNDER so we’re taught to insist!
or offline pursuits that many deem the very right way
of marriage and family and own company…
yet all of these paths pursued simply for getting there
offer little — if any — cause for satisfaction in this very right here.
whether on or offline —
what’s to be said of the right now — in thought — heaven?
So pause she did at once with all her might…
awake and aware of patterns that were luring her believe success was dependent on some distant possibility in sight.
Rather tired was she of all the now schemes boasted as the now way…
Online or offline she was certain of this:
the only that matters is this very second in this right now very day!
And choose did she that very moment then
to cultivate, nurture, and grow her innate satisfaction of This Now Moment When
where joy is hers not because of things obtained
but because of the way she chooses to see goodness and pure beauty in every way
where happiness is because of what is lived
where kindness and compassion imparted occupy her to be list.
where should and supposed to are hushed at once.
where completeness is because of her wholeness now
and not because of anyone, thing or place, but because of inherent individuality’s wow.
“But what will you do?” cried the masses even more loudly…
“I am being satisfied!” she replied, as she stood in her pause rather proudly.
And at once, she stopped heading toward that Some – distant – someday
and insisted thought by thought she would exude satisfaction in this new way.
And so shifted the now journey to focus on this very now moment
insisting on exuding joy, gratitude, humility and love second by second.