Good morning friend.
I am striving to post a poem a day (between 7am and 9am EST ish)
tapped on my phone with my leftthumb and rightpointer
I share from #myheart2yours what helps me heal daily fear in all its forms.
Here’s today’s:) #thought_tip for facing down fear that shows up as #overwhelm :
When you awake
overwhelm bombards you,
it’s vital to take moments to calm thoughts
and try to ponder
what Truth knows about you.
Turn thought from
the fear of unknowns
the list of “I dunno’s”
and defend:
whatever occurs to you to do
you already hold within you
the clarity and capacity to. ~~~~
Bare with me as I learn the type of font that works best on my photos as I’m using @over and it’s the best for now I know xoxoxo we are each so loved and adored and we can each overcome fear in all its varied nothing forms.
#thoughtbythought #healing #poetry #momentbymoment #spiritualadvocacy #mentalhealth #health #thoughtcoach #managemoment #chooseinfluence #loveyourpreciousyou
As always, if any thought too speaks to your heart
you wish to dialogue with me further, I welcome you email me.
It would be a joy to hear from you and I read all my emails, I truly do!!
Email is like snail mail to me…
Or you’re welcome to schedule a listening session…
which is where we share a call for 15-20 mins
and you can outpour with me whatever is knawing on your heart…
and I’ll give you some truth thought tools to ponder upon…
and you can see if that kind of call/ connection is what you are looking for.
I so appreciate you being here and welcome the opportunity to connect with you further.
My heart to yours,
Tre ~
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