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Refuting “I’m doing it wrong” Monday’s Moment of Meaning (M.o.m.) #3

What if

when the pull to feel

“I’m doing it wrong” …comes

we pause for just that moment then

and ponder :

that belief — not what it’s accusing– is what we’re meant to shun


What then?

We know this pull well

its heavy and ongoing

and, at times, even always

to doubt distrust fret and feel whoa no

it says “I’m doing this wrong, and that? forget it

and honest why bother to thus and so?”


And in its attempt to convince

it shows up as our voice and moans….


but if we step back and pause

and see it as the jokester it is

well that’s 1/2 way to stealing back our true cause


For the bugger self doubt is loud and blares

disguised as our voice, one way it ensnares…

and it grows louder still

the more we respond…

Yet all we need do is see:

its an attempt to convince that

the who we are is wrong…


True this: no matter how much I’ve ignored

in hopes it’d go away

the only thing that hushes

“I’m doing it wrong”

is the inner wisdom that KNOWS

this is not Love’s say!


Love is patient and kind and gentle and nudges

and whispers and opens thought up to wonder

and when there are things that need shifting and such

Love shows that too through kind inklings or hunch.


So in sum let’s just pause

and know this once more

“I’m doing it wrong” is not the voice of the One who adores.


And so if we hear it, let’s refute it,shall we?

for exposed and then denied,

the thought by thought way to freedom, surely!


Here’s to each and every inkling of listening and heeding our inner nudge…which shames not nor accuses but rather is felt as a perpetual hug…..


Tre 🙂


{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Tresha Thorsen September 2, 2012, 8:41 pm

    thanks so much Barb 🙂 grateful you found the post helpful…added a bitta visual …will be sharing these regularly Mondays

  • barb August 27, 2012, 6:38 pm

    inspirational Tre..

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