- Image by SeeMidTN.com (aka Brent) via Flickr
I get it.
It can feel like you’re standing on the edge of the diving board and you sooo want that water to be one inch away so that as soon as you jump your time spent in mid-air free fall is minimal.
I get it.
It can feel like you’re in your car, it’s pitch black out and you’re driving forward down a highway with zero lights and no sign of rest stop, gas station or motel for hundreds of miles.
I get it.
It can feel like you’re setting off on a plane to another country without any creature comforts where you’ll land and no one will speak the language and no one will be able to help you figure out where to go.
I get it.
Here’s the thing your fear will never tell you:
How so?
Because when you shut out all the fear, completely turn around from the magnetic pull to heed the doubt or second guessing, there’s space in thought to listen, to hear, to heed your innermost pulls.
And you’re smart. And wise. And very aware and awake.
And you know how to listen to the internal radars and red flags.
You know how to know when something is a real point to feel caution toward or when something is simply self doubt and second guessing.
You also know you know this.
It’s time to act.
It’s beyond time to act actually.
Permission is yours. Now. Already.
Clarity is yours. Now. Already.
Worthiness is yours. Now. Already.
You have what you need to listen to the pulls within and act on them.
Whatever they’re nudging you to do.
What’s really at the root of that inner pull is your innate individuality insisting on wings to sing and soar–its natural inclination–instead of being forced into a cage or told to act and be a certain way.
You are creating a new paradigm simply by saying yes to you and showing up for your heart.
The question is: how devoted are you to this task at hand and what more do you need so that it’s not a tip toeing but an actual walk, step by step forward motion?
Only you get to dive deep into thought and ask that.
Only you know what you’re clinging to as excuses.
Only you can choose to turn away from all the doubt, fear, second guessing and worry.
Only by doing so will unknown become navigable.
So, ya with me? Ready to say yes to your heart and show up for you?
Here to support you however I can help.
Lemme know.
You in?
Hey Harry. So glad you found this post helpful and took a moment to comment. 🙂 And true, the lure of the unknown about travel can be exhilarating! 😉
thnx Tre, very inspiring! 🙂
(I would love to be on that plane to another country where no one will speak an understandable language though :P)