- Image by dalechumbley via Flickr
This is the second in a series of exploring qualities that when fully actualized allow us to live serenely and feel whole.
Welcome back ya’ll to this exploration of serenity…what it means to actualize it..and have more of that feeling of consistent inner peace.
Last week, we talked about savoring our serenity by giving wings to things that don’t comfort us.
This week, let’s talk about savoring our serenity by being childlike.
Here we go:
Look at this image…what do you see?
Look like fun?
Could it?
Would you drop down in the snow and make a snow angel the next time you’re frustrated about the weather?
Could you?
Well, guess what? I just did and it helped me hugely shift my thoughts from feeling stuck to feelin giddy:)
And this shift matters much to me because sometimes winter feels anything BUT fabulous.
And yet….that’s the whole point for my now.
I’m beginning to realize that living amidst this season as an adult invites me to really hone in on defending my serenity.
And I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to because in the early days of this season, I was feeling angst, frustration, bitterness, and really just blah.
But that isn’t good enough.
Serenity isn’t really up for grabs. Its ours. Now. Always.
What we get better at is thwarting off the muck that would wanna dominate our thoughts and hide the peace.
No way to that. Not with this kid.
The other day when it was oh, say roughly 10 degrees and I was walking my dog rather hurredly, I saw a group of boys throwing snowballs and having so much fun.
Within moments, I heard a few giggles and then full blown laughter.
This was the same moment I was feeling rather ick.
Watching them, I asked myself: Tre, if you were 8, how would you respond to this snow? this weather? Would you let it determine your attitude? Or would you bring your wonder right outdoors with you?
It was a simple ask.
But right there, I started imagining how I’d embrace the snow if I was 8:
I’d make snow angels and snow castles.
Or grab a sled and speed down a hill.
I’d build snowmen.
I’d tobbaggon.
I’d iceskate convinced I wouldn’t fall through the ice.
I’d stick my tongue out and taste each and every snowflake that fell.
And I’d probably make lots of snowballs and toss them up in the air to watch them explode.
Hear the fun?
It was a huge shift for me.
Just in visualizing myself play, the angst left.
And right as the angst left, those same boys bounded over my way and wanted to play with Berkeley (my Bichon).
And pretty soon all of us were running around in the snow.
Now it’s one occasion of spontaneity, right? I mean we played together for all of maybe five minutes before they scurried off.
It was a huge shift for me…and a reminder:
Why should our inner peace, our serene moments, be halted just cause of a temperature?
So this winter, I’m making a concerted effort to defend my serenity, my inner peace, with striving to embrace winter with a more childlike heart.
Trust me, it’s not always easy. Like at all.
But watching my pup dance in the wind, pounce in the snow, and chase the Canadian geese, I’m reminded that we can dig deep.
We can check apathy and complacency and all that moans “ugh” at the door.
We can refuse to allow our thoughts to be dominated by the negative downpulls.
All we have to do is get in there and start steering.
And when I’ve been intending giddyness, glee, wonder, I’m amazed how quickly the angst and ugh leave.
So simple thoughts for today…
Childlikeness may feel more an effort, but, we can pause, take the angst that wells up, refuse to consent, and dive into glee. This moment.
The frigid, rigid, complacency will wane as we refute it, time and again.
So wanna join me? Let’s make snow angels in our thoughts, exude childlikeness and savor moments of serenity especially in this winter season. π
Jae, so happy you stopped by!!! It is isn't it? Some days I just wear my 8 year old self. She is just a ball of spontaneous glee π I can only imagine what the constant reminders to play would feel like with 3 littles surrounding you ……wheeeee!
I think acting like a child and enjoying the world with childlike wonder is wonderful for the soul!!! π I am thankful for three children who aide me is seeing the world through a child's eyes.
Jae, so happy you stopped by!!! It is isn't it? Some days I just wear my 8 year old self. She is just a ball of spontaneous glee π I can only imagine what the constant reminders to play would feel like with 3 littles surrounding you ……wheeeee!
I think acting like a child and enjoying the world with childlike wonder is wonderful for the soul!!! π I am thankful for three children who aide me is seeing the world through a child's eyes.